We left my mom's home in AR and drove back today. I should say if our car had had wings we could have flown because the wind was horrific. We knew storms were on the way and we wanted to get here before they hit. Luckily that didn't happen until about 30 minutes ago. Thank the good Lord above, the storms are not nearly as bad as they had predicted. So far, just lots of rain and the wind is still around.
Anyhoo, we had a wonderful time visiting my family but I'm thankful to be sleeping in my own bed tonight.
So before I turn in I'll leave you with this one little picture. Of course as soon as we got home and unloaded the car out to the yard we went. Remember the little daffodil picture I showed a couple of posts ago? Well, guess what?
Okay my bed is calling my name so I wish all my blogging friends sweet dreams!
So glad you enjoyed your visit and that the drive home was safe. I bet the narcissus makes your home smell heavenly - what a nice surprise for CHRISTMAS!!!
Glad you are back safe.....and setting out to the garden with a quickness! Is that a Paperwhite?
It's so nice to visit, but ohhhhh so nice to get back home. Love those little Narcissus flowers. Also like your header picture.
Welcome back home, Susie. Isn't it funny how we don't realize what a great place home is until we are away from it for a bit? I love the narcissus. Wow, we won't see any spring flowers here until at least April. Thanks for sharing it. I'm glad the storms weren't as severe as they were predicted. :D
Your little Narcissus is all confused isn't it! LOL! Glad you guys made it home safe! Luv ya!
Welcome back, Susie. Glad you like my blog. I LOVE yours. That little Narcissus doesn't know that winter is not over, does it????
We had those horrible winds for the past day and a half. In fact, we've had heavy winds ALOT recently. George got some huge limbs off of our roof yesterday..
Have a great day.
Aunt Susie,
Glad we got to see you at Christmas!! It was fun singing American Idol. I'm glad ya'll made it home before the storm. We got a pretty good storm yesterday. Love you, Casey
Mildred the Narcissus is one of my favorite fragrances. It reminds me so much of spring.
Thanks Darla-yes it is a paperwhite.
flydragon-We did have a great visit but I was so glad to sleep in my own bed.
Daisy-Normally we wouldn't see any spring flowers here either. This little guy was just a little anxious to show his pretty little face.
Thanks Bec-we sure enjoyed ourselves.
Betsy-I'm glad George was able to get the big limbs off your house. Y'all must of had some big winds. This has been the windiest year I can ever remember.
Casey-That game was really fun! Wish I could have done better at the guitar. It was no fun getting booed off the stage twice. hehe!
Glad you made it home safely.
Happy New Year!
Thanks Cathie-Happy New Year to you too!
It's beginning to smell a lot like Spring, all around the yard! Well maybe in just a few spots. I'm glad the storm is not so stormy and that you were safe at home before it did come.
Boy, the wind sure blew here yesterday, too!! I'm glad y'all made it safe - and had a great Christmas!
There's nothing like being tucked away in your very own bed!!
Are you kidding me? Happy Birthday Susie, a day early, love felt I promise though!!!
Thanks Lanny-I love your positive thinking!
Jacquie-I think I lost lots of sleep while away. My bed felt extra comfy last night!
Darla-Thanks! I hope your day was enjoyable.
Glad you had a good visit with you family. But I understand there is no place like home and your own bed. :) Love the new header and your signature at the end of the post. Clever girl! Oh and that new Daffodil is beautiful! What is the name of that beauty?
Can't wait till mine bloom! A blogging buddy who I haven't met sent the bulbs to me. So it will make them extra special when blooming.
Racquel-Here's the thing about the signature. It's suppose to be black but for some odd reason it isn't. I'm glad you like the new header. I took that picture yesterday while driving home. It was right outside of Memphis thru the windshield,in a moving car. I'm surprised it turned out at all. I wish I could tell you the name of that little narcissus but I can't. As you may guess I brought it home from work one day. Someone had planted it in a combo planter and then decided to empty the pot so I brought it home and plopped it in the ground. I hope it multiplies alot because it is the only one I have.
Hey Brenda-How nice to receive bulbs from someone you haven't met. That is really neat! I hope they turn out beautiful for you.
Susie, somehow, I missed your post until just now. Anyway, I'm glad you had a good trip and were able to spend time with family. That's what Christmas is all about. The storms here were a lot of rain too! And now we are back to cold waether. What a nice surprise for you to come home to. I would have clipped it too.
Have a very Happy New Year!
Your narcissus looks beautiful--I hope it's a harbinger of an early spring! Glad you had a wonderful Christmas and a good time with family. It's always nice to get back home again, though.
Thanks Beckie-Happy New Year to you too!
Rose-Girl I wish that narcissus was an indicator of an early spring. Or I better find a way to enjoy my winter.
What a sweet surprise to find upon your arrival home! I am glad you stopped over for a visit. I am trying to get back in the swing of blogging but my house is calling for some much needed after the holiday attention. I plan on keeping New Year's Eve quite at the Quill if I have any say so in the matter. It is not bedtime yet but I am still a bit tired from all the Christmas stuff. I hope you find yourself well rested this week!
Susie, is this your birthday and you are keeping it a secret? If so, it's no secret now! HA HA! A very happy birthday to you, my friend! :D
Hi Susie. Hope you had a good Christmas. Ours was pretty good, all things considered. We had Christmas Eve at our house, then had Christmas Day at Aunt Pat's.
Take care and Happy New Year!
Sandy-We will have a very quiet New Year's day as well. Hope you catch up on some of your home duties. I need to do the same.
Thanks sister!!!
Yesterday was my birthday Daisy so thank you for your sweet wishes!
Lisa-You were in my thoughts and prayers all through Christmas. I hope you have a Happy New Year!
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