You guessed it! Another great save from work. I know right now it doesn't look like much but I hope it will make a come back. Say hello to my new Magnolia. It's official name is Magnolia x soulangiana 'Jane'. This tree blooms early, early spring. It's the one you see with pink/purple/white blooms. It is hardy in zones 5-9. It grows 25' tall with a width of approximately 15'. It should be planted in full sun to partial sun.
I hope that if I give it some much needed TLC that it will bloom real pretty for everyone to see next spring.
congrats, on your new magnolia. i love them all. i left a whole bunch i had planted at my other house and haven't planted any here yet but i want to very much.
Marmee-Thanks, Magnolias are beautiful trees.
It's really tough leaving plants at another home you owned huh? I've done this as well.
Susie: this is a good time of year to transplant those kinds of "saves" and if it makes it through your winter it should be quite happy in the spring. They are beautiful when they bloom. Good luck with it.
Susie, you just can't turn down a poor orphaned plant can you.:) I know with your loving care it will bloom beautifully next spring.
I just love magnolias. I've never had one myself but see them around the neighborhood in the spring. Gorgeous.
Alright - Good Save!! I'm sure it will do great.
Meems-Fall is such a great time to transplant or just plant shrubs and trees as well as plants too! We usually have a fairly mild winter so maybe it will make it.
Beckie-No, I can't turn down plants. Another co-worker and I just cringe when we see plants headed to the dumpster.
flydragon-This is the first magnolia I have planted. Maybe it'll bounce back.
Darla-We can only hope!
Hey Susie, I have something for ya!
I'm sure with a little extra TLC your Magnolia is going to be a great focal point next spring. You are the plant rescuer Susie!
Wow, how lucky you are to be able to get a free magnolia! We had one at our old house, and I would love to plant one here. Their blooms are spectacular!
Racquel-I guess it could be a nice focal point because right now there sure isn't anything else around it.
Rose-I say go out and get yourself one. Nothing like the present.
Hey Darla, Thanks for the award. It is really nice to be thought of. Congrats to you too!
The magnolia sounds lovely, Susie. It'll be really nice to see the pics of the blooms you'll be posting in spring.
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