Navy bean soup
3 cans of navy (or northern) beans-if you are feeling energetic, home cooked beans work great
2-3 cans of chicken broth(homemade works too)
1 package of smoked sausage sliced - I used Butterball turkey sausage(comes in links)
1 can of rotel tomatoes
2-3 red potatoes cubed or chopped
1 package of frozen soup mix-not thawed
ground cummin-optional
chili powder-optional
Brown sausage in Dutch oven, then add beans, broth, tomatoes and potatoes. I usually bring this up to almost boil and then lower temp. When potatoes are almost done I add the soup mix and seasonings and let simmer. I don't really know how long it simmers, just long enough for the seasonings to cook into the soup.
Jalapeno cornbread
1 cup of yellow cornmeal (not cornmeal mix)
2-3 Tblsp. all purpose flour
1/4 cup sugar (you can reduce the amount or not use at all)
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2 Tblsp. oil
2 eggs-lightly beaten
Sweet milk, mix to desired consistency
1/2 can of cream style corn
1 Tblsp. or more chopped pickled jalapenos(can leave out if you prefer)
Mix all dry ingredients together. Add oil, eggs, milk, corn and jalapenos. Bake in 425 degree oven until done. It usually bakes in 20-25 minutes. Can test to see if it is done by lightly pressing down, if done it should spring back up. I usually heat my pan with a bit of oil in the oven and then put the cornbread in it to cook.
Yummy yum yum!!! Sis, your soup and cornbread look delish!! I will have to say my beef stew and mom's cornbread was delish tonight too!!!
Thanks Susie. These are all Nalley's favorites and with the cold weather, this will be wonderful!
That soup and cornbread is RIGHT up my husband's alley. I wish I liked to cook, but the kitchen is not my friend.
Yum! Definitely a must do!
Thanks for the inspiration!
Mmmm, Mmmm, Good!! Sure beats the soup I make. You know the one. Pull tab from Campbells can, microwave, eat.
Aunt Susie,
That soup looks delicious. I was writing down the recipe and wanted to make sure that frozen soup mix is what i think it is-vegetables?? Let me know can't wait to try this one. I love soup this time of year. Love you, Casey
Sis-mom said your stew was wonderful and I know the cornbread had to be good! I sure am glad you are better.
Mildred-Then I have to say Nalley has excellent taste!
Jacquie-Sorry you don't enjoy the kitchen much but maybe your honey will fix it for you! You lucky girl!!! My honey doesn't cook but he is excellent at cleaning up afterward.
Lanny-You are welcome, enjoy!
flydragon-There isn't anything wrong with that "red/white" can either. I have been known to indulge in that as well.
Casey-Yes, that is frozen veggies. It's just called frozen soup mix. Give it a try, I think you'll like it!! Love ya lots!
yum! It is raining here so your NavyBean Chili sounds wonderful....I would love to have a bowl. I think I'll try it - I've had a few failures lately in the soup department - so I hope my family will try it!
This sounds wonderful. I'm going to give these two recipes a try!
Thistledew-I think cold, rainy days are perfect for soup or chili.
Catherine-Thanks for visiting my blog. Give these a try. I think you'll like them. And by the way, didn't you just love your package from Miss Sandy?
Both look so delicious! I even like the plates with the attractive fruit patterns!
Kanak-Thank you, we've had this dinnerware for a long time and have it enjoyed it much.
Homemade bean soup and cornbread--gosh that sounds and LOOKS good! It is 14 degrees here this morning. A meal like this would warm me right up. Thanks for sharing this, Susie. :D
Daisy-14 degrees?!?!?! Hope you stay warm today. Enjoy the recipes.
Yum, homemade soup & cornbread! Great meal for this time of the year. Thanks for sharing the recipes Susie. :)
Hope you give them a try! I love easy recipes.
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