Now I have to admit as I was reading each and every one, some were signed by people that I don't even remember. Isn't that embarrassing to admit? Oh my goodness I am really getting old or these cards are one...... I think I'll go with my second thought!
Anywho since I was bad and read them I didn't want to toss any so I went back through them and deleted my pile by maybe 20, okay maybe 15 but who's counting?
As I was reading them I came across one that I thought would be great to share. It offers some uplifting thoughts for our holiday season. I hope you enjoy! Luckily I do know who this one is from.
*It's okay if you're a little bottom heavy.
*Wearing white is always appropriate.
*It takes a few extra rolls to make a good midsection.
*The key to life is to be a jolly, happy soul.
*We're all made up of mostly water.
*Accessorize, accessorize, accessorize!
*Don't get too much sun.
*Always put your best foot forward.
*It's fun to hang out in your front yard.
*You know you've made it when they write a song about you.
*Avoid yellow snow.
*Don't put someone else's corncob pipe in your mouth-you never know where it's been.
*There's no stopping you once you are on a roll.
This card came from my niece Cortney and her hubbie Ryan. I have no idea how long I have had it. So thanks Cort! Who knew snowmen were so smart?
I do save my cards, put them in a ziploc bag and write the year on it. That way, the scrooge that I am, will know who sent me one the year before. That is great advice from the it.
Okay Ms. Scrooge, that sounds like a great idea!
I have so little storage in my house, I don't save them. Sounds kinda Scrooge-ish, doesn't it?
I love the little Snowman card!
I knew that about snowmen! Yea snowmen! :)
Great post Susie--loved the poem!
A chuch I use to go to collected old Christmas cards and sent them some where. All they wanted was the front of the cards. I think a boys home made something with them (can't remember) Maybe you could google and find a place to donate them to.
i save mine like darla to help remind me who to send them too. one year quite a while ago we didn't really have enough in the budget to buy cards so we cut the fronts with the pictures and sent them like postcards. wrote our message on the back and less postage. it was fun!
I was laughing heartily before I got to the hilarious and true advice from our lovely white neighbors.
I do the same thing, save cards, thinking I will do something horrifyingly creative and then I read them and then.. Well heck, I've been known to hang them up again 'cause my incoming has gotten smaller. I think I had a few friends who unfortunately kept track of the fact that I don't send them very often. Fortunately I have a few friends that still send me one 'cause they just like me inspite of my crippled card sending side. That reminds me, I should get started with this year's great idea....
Well, I have to admit. The sentimental person that I am. I don't save the Christmas cards. That sounds bad doesn't it. I just don't have enough room. Of course I did save all Grandma and Poppa's.
I love the snowman poem! So sweet!
Susie, the snowman card is cute. I love the advice he gives. Actually most of it is very true. i save cards for a while-a couple of months til I make sure I have all the addresses etc. and then sometimes let the girls have them for art projects. Sometimes I just pitch them...I have enough stuff cluttering up my cabinets. :}
Loved the snowman card and the lines!! Your cards reminded me of craftwork class at school more than 30 years ago. Our teacher taught us to make boxes with cards. Four 'fronts' were taken and stitched together with feather stitch on all the four sides. A piece of white paper (from the card) made up the bottom. A strip of card paper again was used for the handle.
Those who had a dab hand turned out pretty boxes but I still remember my box sticking out like a sore thumb! Ah, memories! Till this day the term 'feather-stitch' brings back this incident to mind!
I love the snowman card. So very cute.
Jacquie-Actually that sounds pretty smart!
Meadowview-Aren't snowmen clever?
Jen-Maybe they sent them to a nursing home or something like that.
Marmee-Now that is a great idea! I bet ya'll did have a good time doing that.
Lanny-I don't see anything wrong with re-using your cards. It probably helps add to the festiveness.
Bec-I don't think I have any Christmas cards from grandma and poppa. I do have my birthday cards from them tho.
Beckie-I have too much stuff cluttering my cabinets and shelves too. I guess I just have to be stronger and toss them.
Kanak-Those little boxes sound really cute. Mine probably wouldn't look the best either.
Mildred-I'm glad you enjoyed the card.
The only cards I have ever saved are a few funny birthday cards so I can stumble across them a few months later and start laughing all over again. Other than that I don't save any others. I bet you never thought you would hear that from me seeing that I am the "keeper of strange stuff"
flydragon after reading your post on being a "pack rat" I'm shocked you don't save Christmas cards! I don't know if I will be able to function the rest of the day from being in such a state of shock! hehe
Guess I'm not alone in the card saving thing. I've saved them for years and they come in quite handy for cutting apart and using in photo albums or scrapbooks to illustrate the pages. I do usually toss the boring ones ( sorry! ) but I like that I still have handwriting from family members who've passed away.
What a hoot! Susie, I love it! Here is what you do with the card fronts, glue them to the front of bags, glue a little trim around them and you have a cute gift bag! OR cut them up into tag size pieces, punch a hole in them and tie them to a gift with TO & FROM on the back, recycled tag! Don't even get me started!!!!
enJOYed your post, and thought you might like my blogs, come visit me (thecreativegardener), Jacque
A.Joy-At least you are recycling yours. I had every intention of doing that until I read them. Oh my, that just led to trouble.
Sandy-I like both these ideas. I think I will do both. That will definitely get rid of lots of clutter and cut down on me having to buy bags and tags. Thanks much!
Jacque-Thanks for the visit. I'm glad you enjoyed my posts.
I believe your stormy weather is headed our way!
I'll admit I don't save them from year to year. Great tips from the Snowman. ;)
I just read your comment about the weather, we have been waiting for it all morning. It actually rained pretty good earlier, just now I went out to get some cuttings to root inside so they will be ready for spring and it's drizzling. To answer your question
Racquel-I'm glad you enjoyed the snowman tips.
Susie, loved the snowman poem...I sent it to my sister! I love the music on your site - The Voice from Celtic Woman - awesome! Thanks for sharing.
Melissa-I'm glad you enjoyed the poem and my music. You are more than welcome girl!
Love that snowman card! In answer to your question about my prints, I print them from my computer myself as I sell them. The actual painting takes a while. The small ones I can do in a day. The larger, 16 x 20 and up, take about a week or less. Once I have an original, I sell it on eBay and then photograph them to make into prints.
Merry Christmas,
I love that card! I keep all of mine,too. I know I should toss some of them, and maybe I will someday.
Thank you so much for coming to my blog and registering for my giveaway.
The town square is so pretty! I've loved looking over and reading your blog!
Rose Mary-Thanks for visiting and for the giveaway! I'll be back to visit again soon.
Such a cute card! Thanks for sharing that! I do save my cards usually for a couple years, but then I go through and pitch them out.
Daisy-Well at least you do get them tossed. Somehow I just couldn't do that.
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