This morning we were thinking we might get up to a winter wonderland. Even though part of our state is getting snow we only got sleet. These two pictures were taken about 9:30 this morning. You can barely make out the wintery mix falling.

These next two pics were taken about an hour later. You can see we do have a little of the white stuff.

Now it is mostly rain falling and we have a small river in our backyard. I guess if it freezes tonight we can go ice skating tomorrow! Hope you are having a wonderful day whatever you are doing!
Maybe you'll have a white Christmas?
It's supposed to start snowing around our area tomorrow. We'll see if the weather man knows what he's talking about.
A.Joy-I'd say you'll have a better chance of a white Christmas than we will. Lucky you!!! It's suppose to be 70 here Monday. Crazy weather!!
We had some rain a couple days ago that washed away all of our snow for now. It is still cold here though. 30 degrees right now. If we get more snow, I'll be happy to send you some. :D
Daisy-Sounds like a good idea! Not too much to cause problems though.
I'd much rather have snow than ice!
Scares me because of the power lines getting iced and and too heavy.
Be careful out there!
When I enlarged the first photo I could see the mix cool to have any of the white stuff. It's still drizzling here and the temps are falling, we won't have any white stuff, a girl can dream!!
Hi Susie,
At least you got a little sleet! Here in north MS we only had rain. Around Jackson and Hattiesburg they got a good bit of snow and colder temps. I want it to snow when the ground is frozen, so it will stay for a while. I'm old, but not too old to still like to get out and play in the snow!
Well, it looks a little wintery, doesn't it? Stay warm!
We are having lots and lots of rain. I am thankful it is not sleet! Stay warm tonight!
Jen-Oh yes, I also had rather have snow. We're out a ways from town so if the wires break from ice, yeow, we are in trouble.
Darla-Well we ended up without snow but the sleet piled up a little but is now gone.
Dorothy-I wondered about you today. Didn't know which part of the state you were in. I think even Jackson got much more than we did. We are about 10-15 miles north of them.
Terri-It did look a little wintery but now it just looks wet.
Mildred-I know you guys are so glad to have all that rain. I'm glad you are not having any bad weather.
Susie, at least the weather tried to give you a 'white' Christmas. Hope the roads didn't get slick with the sleet. We always watch out for that here.
Hope you have a great Holiday with or without the snow.
Brrrrrr! Looks cold and yucky there!! How was your hot chocolate and marshmallows!
I love the pictures of your place. I hope you get snow. We are expecting snow this weekend too.
Susie, It seems it is snowing in the oddest places today/tonight. I saw on the news snow in MS but you must have been missed in Mississippi.
I like your Christmas paper background.
Ah ha, I see all those leaves still there. You were hoping you would have enough snow to cover them up, weren't you?
Beckie-My hubbie and I were looking outside this a.m. and noticed lots of patches of ice in front of our house. We will definitely have to be careful driving to work this morning.
Sis-You know I enjoyed my hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream. Ooooh, I am bad!!!
Anna Colleen-I'm glad you enjoyed my photos. Thanks for visiting my blog too!
Meems-Most of the snow was south and southeast of us. Oh, I'm glad you like my background. I'm tempted to change it again.
flydragon-I was hoping you wouldn't notice those leaves! Would you believe almost all those leaves come from the neighbors trees. They all congregate right at my back door.
Truly a wonderland, Susie. I clicked on the photos and saw the mix on the first one. It looks cold and beautiful! The trees, especially.
Kanak-It was cold and very windy. Today it is 51 degrees and the sun is shining. Hooray!
Actually I love your climate! Ice-skating! Sounds really exciting, now what's that? :P
Hi Susie,
Hop on over to my blog and pick up an award I have for you!
It seems as though this past week more snow has hit the Southern states than here in the Midwest! A white Christmas would be nice, but it can leave after that, as far as I'm concerned:) Our forecast is saying we might have an ice storm this weekend--that is something I definitely don't like!
I'm catching up on blogreading today, having been away for a week. I enjoyed your Snowman card. I used to save old Christmas cards, too, till I realized I had no room for them! Now I throw them away a year later, but some of them...well, I can't bear to part with all of them:)
Chandramouli-Thanks for the visit to my blog. I always enjoy new readers. I'm not really a cold weather fan. I had rather be sweating in 98 degree weather.
Rose-I love the beauty of snow and enjoy it but I don't want it hanging around too long myself.
Looks like you got just a tease of the whitestuff this morning Susie! :)
Racquel-That's the perfect word for it. "Tease".
We are supposed to get some pretty bad weather starting tomorrow night. I love snow, but not the ice. Thanks for signing up for my giveaway!
oh the boys would like that to ice skate right in their own backyard, they are all hockey players. hope you do get some white stuff. we are supposed to get days of rain next week.
Cathie-Be safe in your bad weather. Hope you don't get too much of the bad stuff. Thank you for having the giveaway.
Marmee-I think rain is moving in for us starting tomorrow too!
The weather is one story, I see a great big backyard that is a gardeners heaven! What a fun space to get to dig in! Weather here too, so I've been in the green house a lot, The leaves will just be nutrition for your soil, so I always leave a few for mulch, yea that is a good excuse!
I think we got all the snow you were hoping for. It snowed here all weekend. Hope you have a Merry Christmas white or otherwise.
Jacque-Yes we do have a very large yard. Too big in fact. When we bought this house a couple of years ago we had no idea the yard was this big. It's going to take some time before I have it where I want it.
Em-thanks for visiting my blog. Enjoy your snow.
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