Friday, December 19, 2008
Spring is in the Air!!!
Yesterday we had such unseasonably warm weather that I got to walk in shorts and a T. Can you believe that? Tuesday I was freezing and yesterday sweating. After my walk I planted a few Allium bulbs in an area that I am converting into a bed. The ground was very, very wet from all the rain we have had. When I finished planting I grabbed the camera to see what I might find interesting.
What have we here? A daffodil with an emerging bud. Silly plant, it isn't time for you yet!
Ah, another eye catcher! I have had this ice plant in a container for the second year now and it blooms whenever it wants attention.
Even my purple shamrock had a couple of blooms. Poor thing, it is still sitting outside by the back door. I'm afraid by blooming it's telling me I need to give it much needed care. Okay, okay I'm going to go get it and give it a little drink right now. Hold your thoughts, I'll be right back. Phew, that's done. Oh and by the way, as I stepped outside how could I not notice it's probably 70 degrees already out there and gorgeous!
Ahhh, the evergreen foxglove. I just planted this a couple of weeks ago and can't wait to see what color it will bloom in the spring.
And look at this Homestead verbena. It's just crawling all over the place. I would have thought the frost, cold and sleet would have put it to sleep for the winter but it looks pretty happy.
Since we know it really is almost winter I thought I would bring us back to reality. Spring is nowhere close(boo hoo). Here are a few pretty leaves left on one of my Sweetspires. I love the color.
And then we have this beauty! Or maybe not! Not sure what little creatures live in there. Do you?
And to finish this post on an upward note, look at the blue sky!!! I haven't seen it in days. And to you Mr. Sunshine, thanks for making my day!
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What a great group of photos. It's amazing what you find if you take the time to look!
Hi Susie, How's that tan coming? I am having really warm temps too and have seen jonquils popping thru the ground. I love foxglove also but do not have good success with them here. Your blue sky looks awesome. We've had dreary, grey days all week. Have a great weekend.
Hi Susie in Mississippi. Send us some of your SUNSHINE please. Here in Tennessee--it is warm (62), raining, foggy, windy and downright yuky!!!! It's supposed to get cold on Sunday I think--but right now, this weather doesn't help me to think it's almost Christmas!!!
We have some silly Daffodils trying to come up also... I'm afraid they will be in for a rude awakening when it gets bitterly cold.
My potted plants are all in my garage. Last year I was able to save all of my begonias and hosta that way.
It's been cold here!! Brr!!
Your plant/flower knowledge is amazing - you and my sister, Suzanne, would get along great!!
Me? I can't grow ANYTHING!!
Melissa-You are so right. There's beauty all around. I love searching for it. It comes in all kinds of packages.
Mildred-We have had gray, dreary weather too until yesterday. Tan is right! We just finished working on that again. T-shirts and shorts again for our daily walk. How odd to sweat in the middle of December.
Betsy-Yes, it is hard to find Christmas with this weather. It is very warm again today but now has clouded over. Oh well, we enjoyed the sunshine while it lasted. I believe we are to have freezing cold again Sunday night. So you have to dig up hosta to keep through the winter? I'm glad we can leave those in the ground.
Jacquie-Sorry you got the cold. We just got lucky with this warmer weather. It is to be colder here again starting Sunday.
That daffodil is really confused Susie, lol. Isn't it amazing how some things just keep going along inspite of the cold weather. Lovely blue skies in your neck of the woods today. Kind of gray & yucky here.
Racquel-Sounds like you have the weather we have had. Maybe you will get a little sunshine soon. Some little plants do keep plugging along. I enjoy finding such little surprises!
That second to last picture looks good enough to eat actually. It looks sugary and like cinnamon has been sprinkeled on top. ;)
Almost 60 here today and on Tuesday we had snow. Weird.
Hi Susie,
Mississippi Weather is Weird!!
You still have a lot going on in your yard!
we had sunshine today for the first time in days. i wonder what your daffodils will do when they realize it really is still winter?
Oh Sis, I didn't realize you still had so much color in your yard. We still have color here's BROWN!!! LOL!!! Only 4 more sleeps until you get home!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luv you, becjane
It has been close to 80 here all week. Calling for 30's and high 50's starting Monday. You have some color in your yard still. My verbena hasn't slowed down either, don't know about my emerging dafadils. They don't have buds though. Keep us posted.
Hi Susie, all those pretty colours! I thought that with the COLD coming you wouldn't have any green left! Loved the shots and the Sweetspire leaves are lovely. The skyshot too! With all that rain, I can understand how much a blue sky means!
Have a lovely weekend!
I think your "what is it" might be a praying mantis nest. I might not be right, but sure is what it looks like to me. Leave it to the insect ya Susie.
Jen-What a vivid imagination you have! That just tells me you always see the beauty in things. No wonder I always enjoy your blog!!
Dorothy-Nothing like the weather in the south! Looks like we are in for another warm day and then look out! Here comes Mr. Frosty!
Marmee-I guess they will go back to sleep for awhile.
Bec-Yea!!!! I need to get away from this devil so I can get some things done. But it won't let me go!
Darla-I am really surprised the verbena is still doing as well as it is. It's obviously a great plant to have!
Kanak-I was surprised to see as many things as I did! It was great to see the sunshine again. It looks like we are in for another warm day and then Mr. Frosty is moving in.
Kara-Thanks for identifying that brown glob for me. I forgot you are tops when it comes to pest I.D. I hope you have a wonderful Merry Christmas.
I have some really stunted hyacinths coming up - must be due to our weird weather here! No spring on the horizon, is there? :(
Terri-Poor little plants, they are all so confused! We are having another spring day here. But Mr. Frosty is coming to visit tomorrow evening.
Yesterday the high was 70, today 69 but tomorrow and Monday, in the 30's! What a roller coaster! :)
Meadowview-Roller coaster describes it well. Sounds like we are both getting the same weather. Right now it is warm and beautiful so I really need to get out there and enjoy but I can't seem to drag myself away from this computer(devil)! lol
Ah, Susie, I have been starving for sunshine, thank you for sharing yours! I have some crazy iris who have poked their little tips out of the ground. It has not been warm here at all. Send some of that sunshine our way!
Aw gee, loved the flowers. I'm so jealous. I'm happy for you that you can enjoy this though. I'm enjoying it too through your sharing. :D Hope you have a great weekend, Susie.
Thanks for a welcome breath of spring air, Susie! The wind chill this morning here was -2. Nothing is blooming here:) My Homestead verbena gave up long ago, but I must say it's quite a hardy plant. Although it's an annual here, I can't wait till spring to see if it might come back anyway.
Sandy-Those iris's sound as confused as my daffodils.
Daisy-Mr. Frosty is visiting now. I know he isn't half as cold here as he is there.
Rose-Technically my verbena is an annual too it's just so hardy. I bet it will come back for you too!
Can't believe you're having summer weather! Well, what you're having now is what OUR summers are usually like. Getting Spring fever already? At least when the sun shines in the windows in the winter you can see all of the areas in your house you missed dusting - maybe the clouds are good for something?
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