It's raining outside and I'm loving it! Yes, you heard me right!!! Loving it!! Why you ask? Because just as I was pulling into Mickie D's this a.m. to grab a coffee, work called and said I didn't have to work today. Hoorah!! So after grabbing my cup of joe back home I flew(not really) but it sounded good.
Now here's the bad part. I am the type of person that always has to have something to do. This drives my hubbie crazy but I just can't help myself. He'll say something like, "Don't you want to take a rest or maybe a nap"? My usual reply? "I can rest when I'm dead." Don't get me wrong a nap is a great thing and I do occasionally nap. But usually it is in front of the t.v. right before bedtime. So what have I been up to this a.m.?

Well, it just so happens I brought home some artificial greenery from work yesterday. Yes, it was headed for the trash bin too. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it but I knew to take it. This is my bathroom mirror which as you can see looks pretty drab. So here's where some of the greenery went.

Now I realize this isn't going to get me a full page spread in Home Decor(if there is such a magazine) but it helps. Yes, I know I need to paint this room as well but that is a project for another rainy day.
So what am I going to do now? Well I also hung a little greenery above my kitchen cabinets and noticed while I was on the ladder how dusty everything is so look out Mr. Dusty here I come.
What fun - a free day! I love those. Good use of the greenery.
I love your greenery. I laughed when you said you discovered dust on top of the kitchen cabinets. My jumping cat occasionally gets up on top of the kitchen cabinets and leaves paw prints in the dust - can't imagine where it all comes from!
I wish I had your energy!!
You are so lucky not to have to go to work. Now I wonder was it because of the rain you didn't have to go to work? sometimes I like it to rain when I want to be stuck indoors where I have things I want to get at.
It looks like you got at some good stuff. Hanging up the greenery and dusting. One thing leads to another...maybe by now you need a rest???
Have a great day
You are so lucky not to have to go to work. Now I wonder was it because of the rain you didn't have to go to work? sometimes I like it to rain when I want to be stuck indoors where I have things I want to get at.
It looks like you got at some good stuff. Hanging up the greenery and dusting. One thing leads to another...maybe by now you need a rest???
Have a great day
Thistledew-Yes, free days are wonderful!!!
Mildred-That's funny about the cats paw prints. Where does all that dust come from?
Jacquie-Try a couple cups of coffee in the a.m. and then have a few chocolate covered peanuts and some malted milk balls for a snack.
Judi-I work at a retail nursery so when it rains we don't have much business except for a few crazy folks. Not rest time yet, I think I feel a need to go check out and see what Dollar General has that I can't do without!
Wow, a li'l bit of greenery can do wonders! And your new look is a cheerful one.
You changed your background, very cheerful. The greenery is cute. Dusting sucks! sorry! We are supposed to get rain Friday, afraid it might frost after that though. Never did get where you work, or is it a secret?
Kanak-The greenery helps somewhat. I really need to paint that room. I don't really want to because there are way too many nooks and crannies which will make it difficult. Glad you like the new look.
Darla-I'm glad you like the background and my greenery. I work for a local retail nursery called "Gardenworks". We sell all kinds of flowers, shrubs, trees, you name it. We also sell everything that goes along with that.
I like the new background Susie, very fall like! :) How nice to get a day off to do some stuff around the house. I love the greenery in the bathroom. Great touch!
Racquel-Oh it was so nice to have the day off! I enjoyed myself tremendously! The greenery does help but I could probably use a bit more. Paint will help if I ever get around to doing that. I have two bedrooms that need paint too so who knows.
Hey sissy, love the new blog look! It's so cute and looks great with your front porch pic. I'm glad you enjoyed your rainy day at home, but look out the sun peeped it's head out around 4:55 p.m. and then it set. So maybe, just maybe tomorrow will be beautiful!!! I sure hope so. By the way your greenery looks GREAT!! When I was in the hospital after Cortney was born my next door neighbor brought me a green plant and it was actually your fake one. What kind of plant it it? It looks like sweet peas!
Bec-glad ya'll made it home safely. Sounds like a fun trip! Wish I could have been there.
I'm not sure what that plant is. It does look just like green peas. Baby's tears comes to mind for some reason. Okay, disregard that. I just looked up Baby's tears in my houseplant book and that ain't it. So, beats me.
Susie, first of all, I love your new background. That surely can't be a blogger template. An unexpected day off is a gift of time to be enjoyed and it looks like you enjoyed yourself! I like the subtle effedct of the greenery in the bathroom and sure it looks just as good in the kitchen. We should come up with an award for your recycling efforts-even with plants. Glad you had a good day.
I've just visited your blog for the first time and love it! I'm married to a professional landscaper for both one of our big cities and our own home so can appreciate a little dirt digging and plant photos!
Will check in often!
Rainy days are great for getting done those projects on the backburner, aren't they. The greenery looks neat there. :D
i am happy for you that you got an unexpected day off. so many things to do so little time. is it hard for you to sit and blog>? i know sometimes i am thinking of all the stuff i should be doing. looks like you were playing with the templates too, nice!
I have greenery on top of my kitchen cabinets too. I like it--so do all the dust bunnies! :)
Visit me, you have a something there!
Beckie-My new background is from the cutest blog on the block. You can click on it from the upper left of my block and change yours. It was really easy to do. Unexpected days off are great! I got a couple of things done that I needed to do. for visiting my blog. That is really neat you being married to a professional landscaper. Before I moved from Atlanta, GA I worked for one.
Marmee-I'm glad you like my new template. It was fun to change it. I'm already looking ahead for the next one. Sitting and blogging actually comes pretty easy(unfortunately). I am so addicted to this and I start thinking about all the things I need to do. My hubbie tells me he's glad I have found something that I enjoy but truthfully I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing. My house work suffers terribly due to this computer.
Meadowview-What are we going to do with all those dust bunnies? I think I have the dustiest house around. Greenery does help add a nice touch to many things.
Daisy-Rainy days are great for getting things done. I like the greenery there but I think I need a little more after looking at it all day.
Hi Susie. Nice touch to the mirror! Unfortunately, it will take much more than a little greenery to help our bathrooms! They have to be stripped of the nasty wallpaper, sand the walls and paint!
All in good time!
Have a great weekend.
Lisa-Okay, so I guess my next project of painting doesn't sound half bad compared to yours. Sorry!! My advice is to take your time. Those bathrooms aren't going anywhere.
This is what I always wind up doing on days off, too--little projects that I usually don't have time for. You made good use of that castoff from work:)
Rose-I like these little projects that you can do in no time. Thanks, it is somewhat of an improvement but it could probably use a little more greenery.
I need to borrow you when I am feeling lazy! Seriously, my hubby and I can't relax either. We always have to be on the go or doing something. I think he is worse than I am but he thinks I am worse than he is. The greenery looks so delicate, almost like tiny green beads, very nice touch!
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