Sunday, November 16, 2008
How about a facelift?
Recently I had a little down time so I decided my director chair bar stools needed a little face lift. I know what you are thinking. Director chairs are a little old fashion so yes I have had them for many, many years. At our last house we didn't need them so they stayed in the attic. Here we have a small eat-at bar and so I drug them back out.
Okay I hear your moans all the way down here! The pink canvas screams "girlie". I told you I have had these for a long time. These were mine from my single days. So anyway, I purchased two cans of black spray paint and taadaaah!!
They really turned out great! The hardest part was taping up those brackets. Not much fun there. Now my biggest problem is trying to find canvas. I can't find these things anywhere except on the internet which I'm not a big fan of ordering off of but I may have to. If anybody has seen these in stores anywhere please let me know.
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Susie, I think hey look pretty good! Have you tried Pier One? Seems like I have seen them there. You not only recycle in the garden you do it in the home too. Good for you. I don't think old fashioned- I'd say chic.
Is making them yourself out of the question
The black looks good, nice change up.
I love director chairs Susie! Do you have a World Market there? I think I saw some canvas for chairs there back in the summer. The black looks great!
Beckie-Chic? I like it!! That's a much better word. There is a Pier One and I haven't gone there. I'll definitely have to check it out. Recycling is great! Love it, love it, love it! Thanks Beckie
Lanny-Oh, I wish I was a crafty person. Making them would probably be pretty simple but I don't even own a sewing machine. That's a great suggestion though, thanks.
Meadowview-Oh, I do miss World Market. That is a great store! But no, not one here. I might be taking a little trip to Memphis soon, I know they have one. Maybe I can take a detour while I'm there. Glad you like the color. Thanks.
Hi Susie.
Good job on the chair. I'm still trying to find space for everything here, plus my mother has a ricking chair she wants me to come and get.
Have a great week and take care.
I just love paint, don't you? They turned out nice. Funny thing is we just put two out by the road for the trash man.
Lisa-It's always hard to find places for everything after a move. I can imagine how busy you have been. I'm glad you like my chairs.
Darla-That is too funny! I know they are old but hey sometimes you just have to work with what you got. We've talked about getting some new ones but there's too many other things I rather have.
Hi Susie,
I love director chairs, so I guess I'm a bit old fashioned, too, well maybe a lot. Love the black, really makes them POP.
flydragon-Thanks, instead of old I think we should just call ourselves "seasoned".
Love the new twist on the chairs! Good luck replacing the canvas...I lvoe the fall picture on your site - so beautiful.
I like the black wood--great job of painting, Susie. Good luck on finding the canvas; I wouldn't think these would be too hard to make yourself, though, would they?
Speaking of facelifts, did you just re-do your blog layout? I really like the header and the background. I might finally get around to doing my own "facelift" after the holidays:)
Pink is my favorite color, so those director's chairs are perfect. It's okay if they are a bit girlie :-)
Susie, there is a surprise for you at my blog come visit when you have a chance it is in the "Finishing Up Before the Season Ends" post.
I really like them painted black. Nice update. I just love spray paint, it is an instant facelift for any old piece of furniture! Can't help with the canvas, I don't sew either, lol. I wonder if they make replacement ones though that you could order?
Thistledew-Thanks for your sweet comments. I really appreciate them.
Rose-I don't think the canvas seats would be hard to make if I had a sewing machine. Good suggestion though. I did change my whole background and header picture. I'm glad you like it. In the upper left of my screen there is a link to the cutest blog on the block. That is where the background came from. It was easy to change. Beckie said she was going to check it out but I don't know it she did or not.
DP-Thanks. Pink is a good color but I don't know if that is what I want in my kitchen. The color will do until I find what I'm looking for.
Racquel-There are companies on the internet that I could order from but I really had rather buy in person. I may not have a choice though.
thanks for the info on the Amaranthus, you should check out that garden site that I posted after hearing from Vickie, it's really cool. I like Dave's Garden too.
I love the chairs painted black! Could you maybe find some fab fabric you love and have a seamstress stitch them up for you?
Darla-I hope that helped. I will have to check out that site.
Mildred-What a great idea! See this is why I love my blogging friends. They come up with the best ideas! Thanks a lot!
I love the pink and black combo! If you can't find new covers and yours seem to be in great shape, how about using some rit dye and dyeing them? Red dye would over dye the pink nicely!
You have to be kidding me, I was only one hour away from where you live? Had I known I would have certainly driven to meet you!!!! How fun it would have been to have lunch!
Hey, you were not kidding about the face lift, I am gone for a week and your blog has had a face lift! Love the new look!
A sea-change with the black paint. Your chair looks great, Susie!
Susie, you did a great job painting. Isn't it fun to be able to revamp something you have had for a while and make it usable again. Hope you can find the canvas that you need. :)
Kanak-Glad you like my chairs. I think the black is a definite improvement.
Daisy-I love being able to change things up a bit and make them reusable. Thanks.
Yes, Susie, we were just at the 'World Market' store and they sell the canvas chair backs and seats for directors chairs. You might check them out?
Who says you can't have fun with pink chairs? My mom painted her wood lawn chair that same color pink and set it out in her herb garden next to her blue bottle trees. It really catches your eye and draws you over.
a. joy-Thanks for letting me know that. World Market is such a neat store. Pink chair and blue bottle trees? That does sound eye-catching. I bet that is pretty sitting in the herb garden.
Hi Susie,
Neat make-over! Love the pink!
I have tagged you for a Meme. Come over and see.
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