Yesterday morning we decided to get up early and go down to the Ross Barnett Reservoir and take in some Fall color.

So with coffee in hand out the door we went at 6:40. It was a beautiful sunny morning with a temperature in the high 40's.

The reservoir runs along side the Natchez Trace Parkway which is about 5 minutes from our house. On some mornings I take this route to work. It allows for such a great start to my day.

The trees are showing lots of color now. It's almost like this happened overnight.

I had really hoped to just park and observe but instead we drove on down the road to check things out.

It's a good thing there were no other cars around. We would drive a mile or so and then I'd ask him to stop so I could snap a pic.

If anyone had been around they would have wondered what that crazy lady was doing running back and forth across the road. Actually, my hubbie probably thought I was crazy but I was having such a great time!

This was the last place we parked before heading back home. Sometimes you can see wildlife such as deer, eagles, hawks and wild turkeys. We didn't see any yesterday but we did see some herons.
In the summer there is lots of boating and fishing that goes on. It's nice that you can just pull up to the side of the reservoir in your vehicle.
We had a really nice morning yesterday, hope you enjoyed the visit.
thanks for taking me along. great pics. I really like the next to the last one. my husband thinks I'm crazy with the camera too, his fault he bought it for me.
Thanks for sharing your trip with us. What lovely pictures of the Autumn leaves! It's nice to see other areas of the country. Thanks and have a good week.
Beautiful photos, Susie. I especially like the one with all the oranges and yellows reflected in the water. Thanks for sharing these. :)
Darla, It's like our cameras almost become an appendage of our body. Glad you enjoyed the trip.
Mildred-It is fun to see other parts of the country. I'm glad to see some color here.
Daisy-I like that photo as well. As soon as I saw it, I was like, "let me out, gotta have that pic".
Ohhhh, love the fall color! Don't you just love these little get-a-ways! Does wonders for the spirit!
Meadowview-We really enjoyed our little morning excursion. The sun had just come up and it was gently waking up the morning. The water was a little choppy but still beautiful. Just peace and quiet;love it, love it, love it!
Ohhh, Susie, what a great way to spend a day. Those trees look like they are on fire with color. You got some fabulous photos.
Imagine...You on the Natchez Trace in Mississippi... Marmee and I on the other end in TN...
Meems-I had commented on Marmee's blog after your visit and told her I only live 5 minutes from the Parkway. I was surprised when she told me she too lived only 5 minutes away. How funny! I guess it really is a small world!
You guys really got out early!! God sure has a great paintbrush!
WOW! Those are vivid colors! Looks like AR doesn't have anything on MS! Well, maybe in football. Ha.
Delightful colors. Thanks for taking us along on your lovely tour. Enjoyed every bit of it.
Loved it Susie...all the photos were such a delight to see!
Susie, running across the road or not, you got some wonderful pictures of fall. I think the colors everywhere were ezceptional this year. What a lovely way to spend a morning-together enjoying nature.
Wow you took some beautiful photos Susie! I would of been doing the same thing and my hubby would of been rolling his eyes. lol The shot with the trees reflecting in the water is amazing!
Bec-God does indeed have a fabulous paint brush.
Jacquie-AR has the mountains though and boy do I miss em.
Viooltje-I'm glad you enjoyed my trip. Thanks for visiting my blog. Please come back again anytime!
flydragon-I take it you enjoyed the trip. I think that is the first one word comment you have ever left me. Are you feeling okay?
Kanak-Glad you enjoyed the pics. We really enjoyed our beautiful morning.
Beckie-Thanks. The things we bloggers do for pictures. The fall colors are great this year!
Racquel-I'm sure my hubbie was sitting in the cab cracking up. At least he is supportive of my hobby.
I like that reflective picture as well.
i was hoping to see your part of the natchez trace. i actually took a drive on it today and the colours were spectacular here too.
thanks for showing your fun drive. by the way, there is a crazy lady on this end of the parkway too.
Marmee-So I guess we're all just a bunch of crazy girls trying to find the best pic!!! I'm glad you enjoyed my end of the parkway.
Such beautiful fall color--thanks for sharing these photos with us. Yesterday was cold and rainy here, and the leaves have mostly fallen, but I am still enjoying the color we have left.
I'm always traipsing around my yard with camera in hand, sometimes in my ratty robe. I'm sure my neighbors must think I'm crazy, too:)
Your are welcome Rose. Oooh, cold and rainy?!? It's suppose to be like that tomorrow I think. I'm sure not as cold as where you are. I'm glad you enjoyed my photos.
Those cameras, we just can't get away from them huh!?!?
Having just been in your neck of the woods I can say it is stunningly beautiful right now!
We have a system when driving and taking photos: I yell "STOP", "Back up, a bit more, THERE!" Snap, "OK" and on we go. He humors me.
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