Do you remember my pot of lettuce I planted a few weeks back? Man, do I have a bumper crop or what? Actually, I have two types of lettuce and Romaine as well as cilantro and arugula. I have already harvested lots of arugula and now I just go out there and pull and eat, pull and eat. I probably look like a cow grazing!
The funny thing is when I'm doing this I get these little surprises........
I've never seen a tiny tree frog like this in my garden--good thing he hops so you don't accidentally pick him!:)
I loved all the blue flowers on your last post. I'm always looking for more blue to add to the garden--it's my favorite color.
Rose-Yes, I would hate to get a little unexpected protein in my mouth while chowing down. Ugh!!! I'm glad you enjoyed my blues. Those colors are hard to beat!
Now why didn't I think to plant lettuce in a container.!! I am learning so much and getting so many good ideas. I'm gad you didn't pop that little sucker in your mouth.
I'm sure you don't look like a cow grazing unless you just stick your head down to the pot to eat. And that's not what you're doing when nobodys looking, right?
Loved the title of your post. I'd never thought lettuce would do well in pots. Yours look great. Maybe I should give it a try too!
I've never seen a green tree frog but we do have very light brown ones. And they're fast, but you still managed a shot!
Cute title Susie! :) My lettuce is ready to harvest too. I told my son to have at it, because he loves salads! Your little tree frog is a cutie.
Salad! YUM!!! I have never tried lettuce. Sure do like to eat it!
Sometimes those little green tree frogs visit my kitchen window. I look out and there he is. climbing on the glass trying to catch whatever flys by. It's fun to watch.
What a cute little froggie! How is your coccoon doing? Has it hatched yet?
Darla-I bet if I had popped that little sucker in my mouth, he would have come out faster than you can blink your eyes.
flydragon-From some angles I probably look like my head is right on top of the pot. I usually go check on it right after work so I'm pretty tired. Hands hanging onto the sides of the pot, head hanging down.(cow?) Yeah, I probably look like that.
Kanak-Try growing lettuce in a pot. It is so easy. Mine came up in about 4 days and has been growing strong since.
Racquel-Thanks, I hope you enjoy your lettuce as much as I am. That little froggie was really hard to get a pic of. I guess he was camera shy.
Meadowview-You should try growing lettuce. It was so easy. Those trees frogs can climb on anything. They are fun to watch!
Lisa-The cocoon is still intact. It has gotten a little darker but that is about it. However, I did find another just today. It is very dark and I think it may be fixing to open. I can see the wing color through the cocoon. So, I hope I will catch it opening up.
i agree with darla why didn't i think to plant lettuce in containers. we loved having lettuce in the spring/summer months. yours looks so healthy and lush.
Thanks Marmee-It's pretty tasty too!!
I think you and Davy baby need to just stand over the lettuce pot and graze, but be careful not to eat froggy. HA!!!! luv ya becjane
Dave won't graze with me sis! I have to be the lone cow at there!
I'd check my nibbling for that extra bite of protein if I were you! He is a little green cutie!
To answer your comment on my post, some of us have the ability to use our hands to make things and some have the ability to grow things, so we are both very blessed! I sigh and wish I had the knowledge, skill, and ability to know and grow plants, I forgot to mention the patience. Funny how we think the grass is greener in somebody else's talent, huh?
Thanks for that reminder Sandy. You are so right!
Susie, glad you are enjoying the fruits of your labor. The lettuce does look yummy-with out the frog, though. I don't think we have those here. At least I've never seen any. Is that as big as they get?
All the green frogs I know aren't so camera shy. Just wasn't in the mood, I guess.
Beckie-They get a good bit bigger but nothing like a toad. They are usually vibrant green in color and to me they always look wet. I guess it's their skin.
Rick-Thanks for your visit.Maybe when they are babies they don't know what to think of big giants aiming some type of contraption in their faces.
i have tagged you!
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