Thursday, October 9, 2008
Blues got you down? These blues will definitely make you feel better!!!
Been feeling down? Need a little pick me up? Well I thing I got just the thing!!! I went out into the garden this morning and just had to take a snap of this Sapphire Blue salvia. It was almost glowing with color. It was going to be disposed of at work so now it is planted in my Keepsake Garden.
My Bluebeard was standing there right beside it shouting, "Take my picture too"! So, how could I not? It's just as glorious!!
The pincushion flower was also shouting to me across my yard to get in on the action. So here's it's cute little face as well.
And if you are still feeling blue, remember there's always a silver lining. I know, no bloom. But next year this Rudbeckia maxima should be tall and showing off it's blooms.
If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me," even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. Psalm 139: 11-13.
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good morning,
love the blues, especially in the garden. thanks for sharing and love the scripture added in.
Thanks for sharing your Sapphire Blue Salvia today. Another one to add to my wishlist!
Love that salvia. Wish I lived close to a garden center so I could go through their trash!!
Very pretty, Susie. I agree with Racquel.
Actually those blues did lift me today, Thank you! Beautiful pics. Your work was going to discard that plant? good save!!!
Oh sis, those blues are really bragging aren't they. Thanks for sharing!
Marmee-Sometimes the "blues" can be lovely.
Racquel-This one and Black/Blue are so similar. This one seems to glow a little more.
flydragon-Never know what you might find in the trash!
Kanak-Glad you enjoyed my "blues".
Darla-You'd be surprised at what we throw away.
Bec-Got the bragging blues down here.
Thanks for this post Susie. It's been a really depressing day. I needed a pick-me-up, especially one with scripture!
meadowview-I'm sorry you had a depressing day. That's never fun! I find that scripture is always the best place for lifting you up.
Hi Susie, Very nice blues. That salvia is bright and cheery. Also one of my favorite scriptures is Ps 139. My post today was about blues as well... you know what they say... GMTA.
Meems, Thanks for visiting my blog. Even though there are so many uplifting verses in Psalms, my favorite is 139.
Susie, just wanted to let you know that I'm keeping my lemon grass post as a draft. The name of that particular variety could be wrong.
Thank you for your comment and I'm sorry about this. I hope this is the last.
Morning Susie, I added you to my bloglist hope that's okay, I really enjoy reading your stuff and seeing your photos.
I love this song! It was very popular when I started college. Yikes, so long ago! Fantastic colors on your 'blues' thanks for sharing a great post with pretty flower photos.
Very pretty flowers.
Darla-I'm glad you added me to your blog list. I consider it an honor. I have added you as well. Sorry I didn't ask first.
Gail-Glad you enjoyed my "blues". Actually the playlist plays random so I don't know what song you were hearing. But I am glad you liked it. I love music. Music conjures up so many different types of memories. Sometimes good, sometimes not so good. But that is okay.
Lisa-I'm glad you enjoyed my flower pics. Not lots blooming right now but these just spoke to me.
I like your cure for the blues! How can you be down with such beauty surrounding you?
I like your idea of hopping a plane! We could swap services, I can decorate the inside of your house while you decorate the outside of mine! Wouldn't that be so cool?
Have a sweet and restful Sunday!
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