Well, it was time. These girls had just gotten a little shaggy with their hairstyles and needed a little trim. They were not too excited about it but after I told them it was either that or a cold night outside they gave in.

See, not too bad! Sssh!! I know what you're thinking. What a lousy haircut! Oh well, you know the old saying, "It'll always grow back out!" Besides, now they get to sleep in a warm, comfy place for a couple of months.
We brought James in yesterday. He'll pout for a couple of days and lose a few leaves, but after that he'll brighten up and start producing some little baby leaves and by next spring he's going to be taller than me!
I cannot grow anything in a pot but it's hard for me to get the courage to cut back even the outdoor plants! They always do so much better after a good pruning but it sure makes me nervous!
I have to leave my plants outside. I would end up killing them in a heartbeat if I tried to take them inside. I have a black thumb, or a least severly bruised!!! LOL
Aw yes, poor baby needed a trim for the indoors! I hope he does well in the winter. Our house is packed full of potted plants ready for winter... I've been trying to get Luka away from them, she likes to munch on their leaves... which I am sure is poisonous for her.
It's that time of the year! Ugh--I want spring back!! :)
Bec-Okay, I don't think I have been introduced to James!
Mildred-The nice thing about pruning is, it will always grow back. I have not ever seen a plant hurt from pruning.
Lisa-I don't know about your bruises but sometimes my go from purple to green in the healing stage. I bet there is hope for your thumb!!!
DP-Yes, the girls look more fitting for indoors. They will lose all their leaves before next spring. They don't look so good then.
Meadowview-You have a long wait so I guess we will have to send you lots of smiles all winter! Not much of a fan for winter either. My fingers and feet won't thaw until spring.
I think their haicut looks pretty good for the winter Susie. They'll appreciate this grooming come next summer.
Awww, poor little hibiscus. One of my favorites. But she does look kinda cute with her new haircut.
Coming from a hot country, I'd never realised the amount of work that goes into saving your plants. In fact overwintering is a new word I have recently learnt.
Your girls are looking neat now, Susie. As for old sayings, they always seem to work, right?!
Some plants do much better after a good haircut, I have some pruning I need to do too. Hey can you prune Gardenia Bushes? I'm sure you can but do you know when?
Racquel and Flydragon-Yes the girls look better with a little haircut. For sure they'll look better next spring.
Kanak-Yes, there can be lots to do if you take potted plants outside for the warm months. Then once I take these girls inside they'll be sad for a long time and drop most of their leaves.
Darla-I'm sure you can prune Gardenias but truthfully, I don't know when. My guess would be immediately after they bloom.
They will soon forgive you for the haircut when they realize they'll have a warm place to spend the winter, Susie:) They look so lush and healthy--the trim will probably make them even fuller next spring.
Rose-They'll be unhappy inside for awhile but when I take them back out next spring they'll bounce right back.
Yes, trim them and they'll grow back stronger. Trust me.
David-Thanks for visiting my blog. They get haircuts every year and always look better.
I would love to be Edward Scissorhands. My husband keeps the loppers under lock and key and I have to swear a pledge not to go overboard with pruning! I love to prune and dance around like the Queen of Hearts shouting "Off with their heads!" My faint of heart friends think I massacre my plants. But the sceptics are eating tomatoes into November! Love your blog look and feel - thanks for visiting mine!
thistledew farm-Enjoyed your comment! Sometimes I feel like Edward Scissorhands. I love searching out what I can prune. Great way to get rid of stress too!
Susie - I thought you you this weekend when I pruned my Rosemary! Hey go check out my first very own giveaway - You suggest a cool hat and if you win, I'll make it for you!
You are so funny! Your girls look gorgeous in their new sheared green dos!
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