I wish I could say I plant lots of pansies for the winter, but the truth is I don't. So, therefore my flower beds look pretty barren thru the season.
But I did want to show you a pansy that we sold at the nursery this fall.

Say hello to Kharma Blue.

Oh be still my beating heart! Is she a beauty or what?!?!!? She's a little darker than the Crown Blue pansy. Even tho the pic looks more purple, she really is a dark blue.

As I said I didn't plant much this fall but I did put her in a couple of my pots. Couldn't help myself.
Without a doubt, she's my fav for the season.
I'm lovin' Miss Kharma Blue!!!
oh how i love pansies and this is a beaut.
I planted a few pansies last year but they were nothing like this! Kharma Blue is gorgeous! I don't think this variety is grown around here...she's exquisite!
Very Beautiful! I planted the regular yellows and purples this year. The purples are very dark and velety looking. Happy Wednesday!
beautiful pansie....
Susie, beautiful header photo! and aren't pansies so sweet.
Wow, what a beauty! Needed that bright gem today.
I can see how she won your heart, pretty little thing!!
Very pretty! I'm going to plant some more pansies this weekend.
Gorgeous! I haven't met a Pansy I didn't like, but that Kharma Blue is stunning!
This is a gorgeous pansy. We didn't see any of these when we got our pansies this fall, but we would have gotten several if we had seen them.
That is very pretty. The deer tend to eat our pansies so we really don't have any color during the winter - other than Lenten Roses.
I've never planted pansies for the winter--don't know if it's too cold here in N KY for that or not??
Sure is pretty. I like your header pic too. Thanks for explaining the ice one you had before. :)
I love it too! I tend to like the purple Pansies the most. My Pansies look horrible now after the freezing weather. Hopefully they'll perk up if the weather warms.
Gorgeous Pansy, Susie... I love those colors. Don't think I have ever seen this one before. I might have to look for it --come spring.
It's so lovely, Susie! Great vibrant colors! Hope it does well for you. :)
Such a bright blue--she's a beauty! I don't plant pansies in the fall either; they wouldn't last up here. In fact, I noticed the one pot I had remaining were frozen yesterday. Lovely header photo--I can't believe you've had more snow than we have!
How pretty with that sunny little face. My favorite pansy colors are blue and yellow. This is a perfect combination.
Oh, WOW, Susie! That's beautiful.
When I read your blog, I always think about how you and my sister would have so much to talk about!
I will have to look for her next spring. I have a lot of pansies outside that look like little sugar coated candy flowers , it is amazing, isn't it, that such a tiny and delicate in appearance flower is so hardy ! My little pansies thrive between the rocks in full sun and in the shady spots too....
I think your iced grasses in the first picture are beautiful in their own right, they look like sculptures.
So pretty-and looking at it warms me up on this cold day too!
One of my favorites to plant but I just didn't get to them this fall. I must have felt our week and a half of nine degrees in my bones. Lots of stuff is not doing to well out there right now. Enjoying the winter and dreaming about planting time.
Oh, how gorgeous! :) I don't do much planting in the winter, either, but pansies are a favorite in February when I'm ready for spring! I'll be on the lookout for this little gem!
Please enter my giveaway if you have a few minutes! http://clayhillfarm.blogspot.com/
I love it. The colors are beautiful. So neat you get to see the new plants when they come in!
Wow - beautiful!!
So how are the Pansy's doing? Check your email...
Susie, She's beautiful. I have enjoyed seeing what the hybridizers have created in violas and pansies~~Such varieties and colors!
Hi Susie !! This is a beautiful post !! Colors are amazing..An outstanding shot..
A real beauty. I love pansies. Thank you for dropping by Lily Valley and for the birthday wishes.
I too enjoyed meeting Kharma Blue. It must mean you have good karma. Along our sidewalk coming up to our front door, we get these little mini-pansies that come up every year, and we never planted anything there! Without doing any work, we get this pansy-lined walkway. Seeds must have fallen out of a flower pot a few years back. During the winter, instead of wild pansies, we have wild partridge.
What a gorgeously colored pansy! I ought to find me some!
Hi Susie: Greetings (again) from Johnnny in Fargo, ND. Here is a fun last-minute decorating idea for Christmas.
Don't you just love the pretty little faces of pansy blossoms. The snow is so pretty when it gently has little ladies poking thru with color.
Merry Christmas ~
TTFN ~Marydon
Beautiful. Very lovely color.
Wow! That doesn't look real! Love it!
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