Saturday, December 5, 2009
Let it Snow
Last night we had a 40% chance of snow and it Mr. Weather didn't let us down.
It started snowing around 9:00 in our area.
It was so pretty when it started coming down. It was so quiet outside and it was like you could almost hear it falling. So peaceful.
A snow angel?!?!?
Hubbie and I got up at 6:30 this a.m. to capture some more pics. It looked like winter wonderland. I know northerners, this is nothing, but to we southerners, we'll take anything we can get!!
One of my knock out roses didn't look too happy.
My Miscanthus looks pretty snow-kissed.
The Tea Olive didn't seem to mind it too much. It was just a light dusting but we still enjoyed it much. Mr. Sun is now shining so it won't be around much longer.
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I can't believe y'all got it. We didn't get a thing way up here in north Arkansas!
LUV the snow angel!!! lol It's looks soooo pretty. Isn't it amazing, at night when it's snowing how peaceful and quiet it always is!!!!
It's FREEEEZING up here in Arky!!!!
Glad you got some snow, Susie... I thought you would. We got some too. That will be my post tomorrow.
That little angel looks cold out there...
Thanks for sharing the pretty snow pics Susie! We had a few flurries this a.m. As you say, it seems so quiet when it is snowing. All of our pets are curled up tightly sleeping the day away! Looks like a good afternoon for hot chocolate. Take care and keep us posted.
Hooray!! I can join you in your giddy-ness Susie!! If only, around here, we could see a snowflake or two..
It was neat, wasn't it?! The birds in my yard were so active this morning before the snow melted - did you experience the same thing?
I love your snow pictures. It's fun to get snow, especially the kind that just stays around long enough to enjoy for a day or so and on a day with no plans. Your Miscanthus looks really pretty with the snow on it.
Glad you got some of the pretty snow! I love to see it falling so silently! Makes me feel all Christmasy!
Susie we got snow too, but we got a good bit, it is finally starting to melt.
Been snowing here to Susie! For two days straight now!! It's gorgeous for the month of December. After that I hate its guts!! LOl!
Happy Holidays to you and your family!
It looks pretty, Susie. Hope you enjoyed it while it was there. We just had the lightest of flurries late this afternoon, but none of it stuck on the ground (that's fine with me--HA!). :D
I'm so jealous of all you gals who have had snow! Even my sister in Houston had snow yesterday. Here in NE Oklahoma we have yet to see a single flake. Each year I long for a white Christmas. Maybe this will be the year!
I can't believe you had snow! We've had only a few flurries that didn't amount to anything here. But I'm not jealous--our time will come and come and come again...
The first snowfall always seems so magical and gives the earth such a pristine look. Glad you were able to enjoy it and get some great photos, Susie.
It looks as if you got about as much snow as we did. It certainly was pretty early in the morning.
Pretty pics-we got our first snow of the year too.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it your yard. ;)
I love snow around the hollidays. Then it must stop!!
It add a certain mood when you can just stop and enjoy... enjoy!
Well, isn't that funny! It started snowing at our house around 9 pm last night too! ( Saturday ) We didn't get more than a dusting though. The kids were so upset I wouldn't let them go out and play in the 1/8 of an inch. =)
Our first snow, always a treat and your pictures show your place to be beautiful in the snow. I especially like the snow angel.
I love your header! It is pretty, I have to admit. Lucky you didn't get a heavy snow that weighed down and broke branches and grasses.
hay hay Susie,
I totally agree and managed to get a few pix too!
the best is yet to come!!!
Hi Susie, I've seen snow just a few times. Everything looks so're right about the winter wonderland part. Would love to see snow actually falling...maybe some day!!
brrr...its cold out there...i would be veerrry cold coming from hawaii....but it is pretty
pretty pics of to see pics...just don't like the real stuff....
Beautiful, just beautiful thanks for these pic, I needed that! I was just out side watering my plants is so hot here its just awful here, it's suppose to be christmas. Anyway - thnaks. your header...BRRR
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