The last couple of days the momma/daddy have really cut out feeding as much so I figured it was time for them to vacate. I figured they would leave this a.m. while we were at church but....
I think they are kind of like we humans. There's a big wonderful world out there waiting to be discovered if only we would take the first step.
While on our trip to Gatlinburg we came across a t-shirt with this wonderful quote that I really like. "We don't quit exploring because we get old, we get old because we quit exploring."
I hope everyone has a great week and finds/discovers little surprises along the way.
Love that quote, Susie. It's so true.. We all (no matter how old we get) need to keep exploring and keep learning...
Your baby blues are precious. They will be gone soon. My 2nd brood hasn't gotten started yet. We looked in yesterday-and Mom and Dad are still building the nest. SO--it will be awhile.
Hope you had a great day.
They're so cute! I love the quote - it's so true, isn't it? Have a great week, my friend! :)
Susie, I couldn't count them either. :) Have many broods do they have in a summer? Lots of hard work being parents, but especially bird parents. They seem to be out hunting food all the time. Keep us posted. And never stop exploring!
What sweeties! I love the two taking a look at the big world!
They are adorable, and that quote, so true.
Beckie I believe they only have two. Not 100 % sure that's accurate but I think so. I'll be sad to see them leave.
Susie,they are so cute.Loved the pic of the two.That quote is so true:)
Aw, they look so cute. And about the first step, it holds so true for all of us too! Love those T-shirt words!
Have a great week, Susie.
Good Morning, Susie!
Love those bluebirds! Love exploring! Like the quote, too! Have a great week.
Hi Susie!
I am always amazed at how a little clump of gray feathers can turn into a beautiful bluebird! Great quote, a keeper for sure! Thanks for sharing!!!
Those two look so cute peeking out of the birdhouse; I hope they made it out into the big world safely.
That's a great quote, one I will have to remember.
One great pictures of the second batch of bluebird babies. I would imagine that they will be gone in a day or two. Our bluebird couple are busy working on the nest, so we should soon have a second batch of eggs.
Hi Susie, wonderful photos of the bluebird youngsters. It will be fun to watch them when they leave the nest.
Ha, clicking on that second pic to enlarge it made me laugh out loud. Look at those gaping mouths:))
Now those are the cutest little toots I've seen in a while. Looks like they might be singing! lol
Great quote, and so true.
Love the 2 little birds peeping at the world. They thought you were there to feed them.
Great quote Susie - and oh so true!
What a cute picture! It's so sweet to see those little babies. They must've liked your yard a lot to have a second brood!
I like that saying :)
I am going to remember that quote Susie! I needed it today too--it's hot and I am so tired, it's hard to move on. Thanks for helping me out! :)
Baby birds warm my heart!!! I need to get one of those bluebird houses next year. Didn't you just put yours up??!
Precious photos and a great quote!
Ginger we did put it up this spring just in time.
What a blessing to watch these garden friends grow. We are enjoying the little Wren and her babies who are nesting in the house near our pond deck. I think I shared a photo a while back. I should stick my lens in her house to get some 'baby' photos to share!
Wishing you a wonderful summer season in the Garden. Looks like you are having a wonderful time.
(((HUGS))) from my garden in the Midwest.
That picture of them peeking out is so sweet!
Such a sweet photo of the babies! :)
Those are the cutest little birds!! I LOVE the second photo. How sweet!
CUTE! All our birdhouses are occupied this year...mostly swallows and wrens, no bluebirds. I need to get a birdhouse suited just for them.
Wonderful photos of your little birds, Susie! They are so much fun to watch. I really like that quote too. :D Hope you're having a great week!
Hi Susie, We are home from our Anniversary trip. I'll blog about it tomorrow.
Have your baby blues fledged yet???? I looked in my nestbox today when we got home. There are four little eggs!!!!
Hope you are having a great week.
How sweet! having a peek at the world outside!
don't ever stop exploring is wonderful to have your little babies ready to leave the nest. hopefully they will stick around and you will have lots of bluebirds.
I love the analogy. I also love your zest for life that comes through in all your posts. Have a blessed week.
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