This a.m. while having my coffee I couldn't help but notice all the flurry of activity out back. The first two little visitors were these cuties.

And then I spotted this Brown Thrasher having a big time in the bath.

"Hey, how many of you kids are still in there?" Mr. or Mrs. Bluebird was trying to coax out another baby. It seems like they have been trying to leave the nest for a couple of days now.

My hubbie caught these early this a.m. He looked like he was pretty comfy in there.

But one had left the nest and sat perfectly still while hubbie took his photo.

"Don't mind me, I'm just sitting here waiting on mom/dad to show me how to fly."
On a sad note I came home from work today and hubbie had found a large pile of blue/gray feathers right below the nest. We think something got one of the babies. That makes me so sad that they lost one of their children.
Right now there are still two left in there. They are still being active so hopefully they will fly away soon.
How sad about the lost baby, but I'm glad the rest seem okay.
Love the expression of the brown thrasher caught having a bath!!
Cute pictures, Susie! I never get to see the Bluebirds leave their nest.
I'm sad about the baby bird. Hopefully the other two will spread their wings and fly soon!
I hope the others fly safely away and continue the cycyle of joy!
Gee I hate to hear that. I get way too attached to baby birds and get so sad when something happens to them. We have had hawks and snakes get ours. So sad...
Oh, you broke my heart with that sad news!! I hope the little fellas get their wings soon!
Poor little baby. I'm glad the rest are okay though.
I've never seen a thrasher before, he does look happy. It's fun watching birds, better than tv anyday!
Susie, that is sad about the lost baby bird. I hope the rest will survive and thrive. Such a cute photo of the little bird on the ground.
Lovely photos of all the birds. How wonderful to have a young one posing for the camera!! Feel bad about that baby bird but hopefully the other two will make it. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great weekend!
Those baby Blue Birds look too young to be out of the nest.
I didn't get to see mine leave, Dorothy says they usually leave at midnight, I think she's right.
Great captures Susie. Sorry about the one that didn't make it.
Poor little fledgling; he probably left the nest too soon. I hope the others manage to leave the nest safely. You captured some great shots, Susie!
it is so much fun seeing all the babies fledge. what a great shot of the baby on the ground. we have lost a few around here too. it is never a happy day when that happens.
enjoy your bird watching.
That is very sad. He left the nest before he could fly. Nature is cruel. Hope the others are more successful.
Great pictures of your visitors. I hope you don't lose any more of the baby bluebirds.
What a sad ending for that poor baby bluebird. We had a baby bird that fell out of a tree last week and unfortunately one of the dogs got to it before I could rescue it. :(
So sad to hear about the little one:(Surely the other two wll make it.Nice pictures you captured.
awwwwww. I have been noticing lots of birds showing up at my bird baths now that it is so dry. I can never catch them with the camera though....I will keep trying
Oh no... sorry about losing one of the babies. Do you find yourself naming the bird family? (I do at my house)
Oh, I love watching the birds. You got such great photos! :)
sorry you lost one, but hopefully the others will be flying very soon.
Sweet tweets but so sad one of them did not make it.
Too cute!
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