As I have, let's say matured, I have slowed down to walking. I haven't ran a race since the early 90's, that is until yesterday. I have been throwing some running in with my walking and decided I wanted to give it a go again. This was a 5K(3.1 miles) which is more my speed. The picture above shows my results. I am proud to say I won 1st place in my age group and 1st place for Grand Masters overall female. Needless to say I am in search of my next race.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday Scenes
Here's this Saturdays happenings.............................................................
At the front of the house I found Ms. Mockingbird hoping around. At first I thought she wasn't able to fly. She beep-bopped around on my bench and then clung to the side of the wood support. Then off she fly but not before I snapped this picture.
We put up this birdhouse a few weeks ago. So far, no new boarders but I was lucky to catch Mr. Bluebird checking out the scenery from the top.
This is a new hibiscus I brought home. I really enjoy the beautiful colors of hibiscus. Unfortunately it is one that has to be brought in every winter but I'll deal with that when the time comes.
And lastly, most of you don't know I have always been active. In high school I ran track, but I was a sprinter. If anyone had ever told me, one day you will run distance, I would have laughed. Well since then, in my early adult life, I became a long distance runner. I use to run 10K's(6.2 miles) and actually ran the Peachtree Road race in Atlanta twice along with other races.
As I have, let's say matured, I have slowed down to walking. I haven't ran a race since the early 90's, that is until yesterday. I have been throwing some running in with my walking and decided I wanted to give it a go again. This was a 5K(3.1 miles) which is more my speed. The picture above shows my results. I am proud to say I won 1st place in my age group and 1st place for Grand Masters overall female. Needless to say I am in search of my next race.
As I have, let's say matured, I have slowed down to walking. I haven't ran a race since the early 90's, that is until yesterday. I have been throwing some running in with my walking and decided I wanted to give it a go again. This was a 5K(3.1 miles) which is more my speed. The picture above shows my results. I am proud to say I won 1st place in my age group and 1st place for Grand Masters overall female. Needless to say I am in search of my next race.
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Congratulations! You are my hero! I admire anyone who can run like that, especially "mature" women. I have a secret desire to run in a 5K, but the problem is I have never ran. I walk....and dream about running, but I've never tried. We have a 5K here on July 4 and I would love to be able to run it...but I don't think I could do it because it has a lot of hills, I'm out of shape, and the heat, combine all three and it would probably kill me. I keep working out though....maybe next year!;D
Thanks Milah! The race was lots of fun even tho it was very cloudy, had just rained right before the run and much cooler. You keep on working out girl. You never know when those feet just decide to try a few steps of running.
Thanks for sharing. Finding out a little bit about "you" I like the best! :)
Congratulations - how exciting! Yes, getting a little older does wonders for your running stats, doesn't it? :) I'm still a back-of-the-pack gal, but the older I get the better my numbers look!
WAY TO GO, AUNT SUS!!! Sounds like a great Saturday to me!!! Love ya!
Susie, I am so proud of you! How exciting; congratulations. Keep us posted about the next race.
Congratulations on the race Susie! I am in awe, never been a runner myself but admire anyone who has that kind of endurance. :) Hope your bluebird house gets a boarder soon, looks like you have some interest in the vacancy. ;)
Deedee-You are welcome and thanks!
Terri-Well I'm far from being at the head of the bunch. It was just fun to participate!
Thanks Cort!!!
Mildred-I will.
Racquel-Thanks a lot! I hope I do get a boarder. There's a little pinestraw in it where someone tried to entice another into making it a home.
Whoo hoo!! Great going, Susie!
The birds are cute and the flower is pretty, but YAY on the 5K!!! I'm impressed. The last thing you told me was you were thinking about doing some running again - I'd say you got back in full force!! Keep us informed on your races.
Good job girlie!! You deserve first place in any age group. Mr. Bluebird is scoping out the place to move Mrs. Bluebird what I tell you, not to mention he is shooing away unwanted vistitors to the new apartment...
Now there ya go showin off!!! Of course, if it were me I'd be showin off too!!! I love you sissy and am sooooooo proud of you!
Whoo-hoo! Go Susie! I am a walker, wish I could be a runner, but I am too old for that now. I am so proud for you! Keep up the good work!
Yeah!! That is so exciting! Good job.
I love your bird pictures. I wish bluebirds came around here, they are so pretty.
Thanks flydragon-love the new avatar!
Jacquie-I don't know how it happened. I just started running again and before I knew it I was doing 3-4 miles. I compared my times to some race results and found I might be competitive for females my age.
Darla you are so sweet to say that! Mr. Bluebird has been out there again today trying to woo, so far still no takers.
Thanks sissy!
Linda-I don't think you are ever too old to start running unless you have some knee or hip problems.
You might surprise yourself!
Catherine-Sorry you don't get to see any of those cute little blue birds. I think they are one of my favorite birdies.
Yeah Susie!
Your birdy, she's a cutie!
Thanks Lanny, glad you liked my birdie.
TC-Two reasons, I didn't want to scare anyone and we didn't take the camera.
Way to go Susie! Good for you! I hear once you get bit for the "racing" bug it's hard to stop. Good for the body and soul ..
Thanks for all your words of encouragement (and prayer) in our flood fight. I appreciate it!
Susie, good for you!! Great that you are in such good shape and taking care to stay that way in your maturing years. :)
Hopefully that bluebird will like the scenery and decide to make a home there. Wouldn't that be great having baby blue birds to watch.
Beth-It sure has been good to see you in blogland again even if the news hasn't been great. I surely hope it won't be long til everyone's lives get back to normal.
Beckie-Well I'm trying to stay in good shape. That's not always easy. I do hope to see little blue bird babies. That would be fun!
Susie, I think that is awesome!! Running is such a challenging sport!! I took it up a couple years back and worked my way up to five miles. I fell off the wagon...but am hopeing to hop back on this summer.
Have a great week!
Outstanding job, Susie!
Wish I could run like I did in my younger days, but now I'm a walker because of knee issues.
Congratulations on the medal and trophy! I look forward to more in the future -- you obviously haven't slowed down too much!
Jen-5 miles is fantastic! I hope you get back to it.
Carol-I know what you mean about knee issues. My hubbie has already had knee surgery and I do think about that when I run.
George-Thanks. I do hope to run more. I'll keep posting on it.
Congratulations, obviously you are in very good condition. You can be very proud of those wins.
Loved the bird pictures. Hope the bluebirds move in.
Wow Susie, Congrats... That is such a great feat.. Glad you did it!!!! Walking is my exercise.. I couldn't run if my knees and legs would let me!!! ha
Glad you had no damage from the storms. Scary!!!!!
Susie...I can't run! Atleast long distances, I never got my body "used" to it I guess you could say.
I have several old timey hibiscus from both of my granma's. It look just like the ones you have, some are white, yellow, light pink or burgandy. Except you leave them in the ground year round. I never have to dig them up or bring them in. They are coming up now. I will get pics of them when they bloom. I could get you some rooted and send them to you
Congratulations! You go girl! I cannot run, my knees are shot. A little walking is the most I can do anymore. When Jimmy and I first met we walked 5 miles 5 or 6 days a week.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
Thanks Marnie-this after Mr. Bluebird had an interested lady with him. I'm so hopeful for them.
Betsy-Thanks, walking is great! Today my knees are aching some so who knows, I may be back to walking again soon.
Dirt Princess-Thank you for offering to send me hibiscus, that is so sweet! I have some of that same seed too. I had those colors when I lived in GA. Right now I do have a perennial pink one that is coming up.
Leedra-I know what you mean about the knee thing. I ran after work today and right now I have some achy knees. My running may be short lived.
Wow, I am so impressed with your atheleticism! Congrats on a well-deserved win :)
wow!!! good for you!!! I got a hibiscus for my Birthday a few weeks ago, I've never had one before I love the flowers mine also has yellow blooms,love the photos of the birds!
Thanks Ginger! I'm hopeful that I will be able to run another soon.
Thanks Deb! I think you will love your hibiscus. Pretty low maintenance but they do like lots of water.
Yay!! Congratulations! Always good to know you can still take home first place huh?! Your place is looking so warm and springy!
Hurray Susie - I am very proud of you! There is just something about running in a foot race that is so invigorating!
congrats on running again and realizing you could do it. i am proud of you/it is not easy accepting getting older. i know i don't like it but doing something so positive is simply inspiring. great for you!
it is always great to have the birds visiting. especially that bluebird. if he does nest there, they are fierce protectors of their nesting box. very good parents.
the hibiscus always reminds me of being home in fl. we always had them.
Autumn-1st place felt great! I haven't done that in a long time.
Melissa-The most invigorating part was when I was done! hehe!
Marmee-Not much fun to age but better than the alternative, right? I do hope I have blue birds. He has wooed some to check out the box but I don't think any have homesteaded yet.
Congrats on taking up running again! That is deserving of a medal! I quit running in the early 90's, and have never looked back. Hee, hee! One thing I will never forget is that feeling you get when running--there is nothing that compares.
Loved the cute pose Ms. Mockingbird gave you--and love that Hibiscus. They are so colorful, they are worth the extra effort to over-winter them.
Keep running!
MGRR-You're right, you do get a great feeling. I'm glad you liked my pics!
The hibiscus is so beautiful! Congratulations on your running and racing! No running for this gal. Walking is my thing. My knees can't handle running.
I'm happy for you that you can enjoy it though. :D
Thanks Daisy, I appreciate it!
It's funny how you can work with someone for over a year and never know some of the special talents and qualities that person possesses! I'm so impressed with the running that you have done and are now doing, I've always admired "you people". I was never a runner, just more of a walker.
Thanks for the wonderful and inspirational blog, Sus!
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