Monday, March 16, 2009

I Got the Rainy Day Blues...................

I hate to admit it, but it's true. I got the rainy day blues. Don't get me wrong, rain is wonderful in moderation and is much needed. We'd all suffer tremendously, plants included, without it. But right now I find myself missing Mr. Sunshine something awful. This is the main reason I haven't blogged in a few days. I can't get outside to take any pics. This Saturday we did go to a garden/patio show. Truthfully, it left me feeling less than excited so therefore I didn't take any pictures that were blogworthy.

Sunday after church Mr. Sun did try to say hi but Mr./Mrs. Clouds wouldn't let him. We decided to go to the park to walk anyway. I knew I had seen a momma duck with 4 cute babies so I took the camera thinking that would be a cute picture. Well wouldn't you know they were no where to be seen. So that was another disappointment.

This morning before leaving for work it was raining again. I took a quick look outside and saw how sad even my angel on the birdbath looked.
So, if anyone has Mr. Sunshine at their home would you please tell him someone in MS needs to see him pretty bad!?!?!?


Jacquie said...

Susie, we are just now getting some sunshine... thank goodness!

Just think how beautiful and blue your sky will be when God gives you back your sunshine!!! It's coming soon!

Susie said...

Jacquie-isn't that the truth!!! I reckon the cloudy/rainy days helps us to appreciate the sunny ones.

Please enjoy Mr. Sunshine for me today.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Your angel does look like she's dreaming of better weather.

We have sun here for a few days. We really deserve it, it's been so cold until last weekend. Wonderful to see the sun bringing some warmth.

Susie said...

Enjoy your wonderful sun for me Marnie. You guys really do deserve it!

deedee said...

On Wednesday, Arizona will hit the 90's. Will gladly send you some? We get so few days with rain or anything that resembles rain. I treat rain days here as a holiday. I understand, though, rain in other area of the US is sometimes a bit of a let down. God Bless - DeeDee

Susie said...

Deedee-Don't think I want 90's just yet, but I do appreciate the offer!!!
How about if I just send Mr. Rain over to your house!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

If you see Mr. Sun how about sharing him with us in GA? We've had days of dreary rain but I know it will be great for the plants.

Rose said...

We have had glorious sunshine for three days...I'll try telling Mr. Sun to head your way:) I understand how the rain can get you down, though. I've been working outside as much as possible, unusual for this time of year. But I know it won't last; in Illinois we could still have a snowstorm before May.

Unknown said...

We need rain badly here! They keep pushing it back, 60% today, not, maybe 500 drops. Maybe tonight or tomorrow. I don't want a frog strangler now don't get me wrong. Just a good soaking!!! Sunshine will be there before you know it and then you'll be too hot!! LOL

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Talk to Suzanne and Darla in Florida.. I'll bet they are 'hogging' our sunshine. Ya think???? We had no idea it was going to rain again today here--but it has... I can't complain though since it was 2 yrs. ago when we had that horrible drought. It was so bad that I still pray for rain even today --when it is raining and when we've had alot of it.

Fix some lemonade, relax and read a good book!!!! Soon--you'll have so much sunshine and heat that you'll be begging for some rain and clouds. We're never happy, are we???? ha


Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I wish I had some to send, we've got gray and rainy weather too. It's amazing what a day of sun does for your spirits! I hope Mr. Sun comes out to stay for you and your sweet little angel.

Jen said...

We've had nothing but clouds here too. Not too much rain-but I am in need of some vitamin D!
Hope to see some in a couple weeks when we go to AZ.
Hang in there.

Leedra said...

It is raining here too. Hopefully we will get some sunshine tomorrow.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun

Leedra’s Greeting Cards

Photography By Leedra

Susie said...

Mildred is there still a drought in GA?

Rose-Thanks for relaying the message to Mr. Sun. I'm glad you have been able to get out.

Darla-Well girl I hope you get some rain. It definitely help wash some of the pollen off.

Betsy-You're right. It seems like we are never happy. Hot temps will be here before we know it and then we will be wishing for rain.

Catherine-Yes, Sunshine on my Shoulders definitely makes me happy!

Jen-Arizona huh? That sounds wonderful!

Leedra-I reckon Mr. Sunshine will get to us all some time in the near future!

Terri said...

Oh, hon - I'll send sunny thoughts your way! Remember, Ms. March has to act out a little before she retires for the year - it's in her nature!

Ginger said...

I'm with you on the rainy day blues! I planted a few bulbs and things this weekend, and got really muddy doing it. Just couldn't stand being inside any longer!

I was disappointed in the garden show. It cost too much to get in, and so many of the plants weren't marked with details that could help me decide if they would work for me. Oh well!

It's supposed to be sunny and mild tomorrow! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for us!

Susie said...

Terri-I reckon you be right. Ms. March has to "show off" a little before retiring. Tomorrow it is suppose to be sunny. I surely hope so!

Ginger-I was let down at the garden show too. This was the first year I have gone. But we have only lived here two years. Lets hope for that sunshine tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Susie, I'm sorry you and your skies are so gloomy. I'm praying your cloudy days will quickly turn blue and the sunshine will put a smile on your face!

I went to the flower and garden show today in Indianapolis. Oh boy, was it inspiring! I can't wait to get my hands in the dirt!
I probably bought more seeds and plants than I can handle this spring, I just couldn't help myself. Maybe my daughter will take some off my hands.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Susie said...

Thanks Milah-Tomorrow it is suppose to be sunny and in the 70's. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Sounds like you had a great time at your flower show. Those shows are always so good for ideas and showing off new plants. I hope you do a post on what you bought!

Meadowview Thymes said...

I saw "him" finally this afternoon--he'll be back tomorrow and I am sending him your way! :)
Hang in there--I totally understand how you feel!

marmee said...

i hear we are supposed to have sun shining tomrw. but them more rain in the end of the week. don't be to blue i have the same issues without sun but i have been trying to do other things to get my mind off of it like reading, baking something special, spending time on the porch swing listening to the rain.

Susie said...

Thanks Linda-Mr. Sunshine is suppose to visit I think for the next several days. I surely hope so.

Those are great ideas Marmee. I reckon Mr. Sunshine will show up when he's suppose to, huh?

Unknown said...

I know how bad too much rain can be. I did wonder why you hadn't posted. Here's sending you some golden rays of warm sunshine:)

I love your angel--even if she looks like she's got the rainy-day-blues too! Hope you'll have some warm days coming up...soon!

Unknown said...

I kow exactly how you feel. Weather really affects my mood too. Today is really beautiful here in Northern Ohio and I feel much better.

Anonymous said...

Same here Susie, it's been raining since Friday. We're expecting some sunshine tomorrow and then back to rain again on Thurs. YUCK! My garden is one big soggy mess.

George said...

Today we had sunshine for the first time since we got back home. Hopefully it will continue south to you.

Ginger said...

Wasn't it beautiful today? I thought of you!

Susie said...

Kanak-Thanks for your sweet words. It was actually a beautiful day today. Plenty of Mr. Sunshine and blue skies.

Elise-Sounds like you probably had a great day!

Racquel-My garden is a soggy mess too! I walked back there today and it was so mushy. We did have a lovely day today and I think it's suppose to be this way the rest of the week. I hope it will dry out some.

George-It made it here today too! It was beautiful.

Ginger-Girl, I truly enjoyed my day. It was so nice. We were quite busy at work too! Hope your day was good.

jen said...


Hope the sun is shining in your neck of the woods today!! We have finally been having some nice weather!! I thought of you today, because the hubby and I were out digging in the dirt!!

Connie said...

Susie, I'm sorry to hear you have the rainy day blues (or had, I guess). I'm glad Mr. Sun was back for you today. We had a beautiful day here. It was wonderful. Made it up to 70 and the sun was shining. It did me a world of good. I so love this time of year. :)

beckie said...

Now Susie, juts think of all the beautiful flowers that rain will help to grow! I am so sorry your flowershow didn't help your spirits. But soon you will have your very own show to share with us. :}
My word is humur-as in keep your sense of humor!

Susie said...

Jen-Nothing like warm, springy days to dig in the dirt.

Daisy-Sunny, warm spring days are wonderful for the spirit.

Beckie-Girl, you always have the most wonderful, positive spirit. That is such a great personality trait. I did tell my husband that with the warm weather this week and sunshine the plants should be jumping up out of the ground.

Susie said...

TC-Actually we have had two glorious days of sunshine. I have my happy face on now.