Friday, January 2, 2009
Time to Relax.......
My week got started off on a good foot on Monday but on Tuesday I had to take myself to the doc. I have been having ongoing pain in my right calf and leg for awhile and I decided I better get it checked out. Diagnosis? Over-usage of my right calf muscles. If you have been a reader of mine for awhile you know I have a hard time being still and I am an avid exerciser. I exercise usually 5 to 6 days a week for an hour a day(not always but this is close). Well when he told me to not exercise for two weeks that just about killed me! You might as well have taken a hatchet and chopped off my head. He also put me on a steroid that I think is making me a little cranky! So, now I have to learn how to relax. This is what I have been trying to do...........
Find a comfy spot on the couch with a nice throw to wrap up in.
Throw in some warm cocoa in a cute snowman mug!
Light a Fresh Linen candle for a little fragrance.
And curl up with a great book! Ah, what book would that be you might ask?
One of the most helpful books I've ever had and I think every gardener should have. Actually I bought this book a few years ago when I was in class and never really looked at it. Let me tell you it is filled with many solutions to plant problems. So my dear friends, I may not be able to exercise my body right now but I guess I can exercise my mind!
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Susie, So sorry you are having to take it easy. I have a really hard time sitting still and I'm happiest when I am cleaning, gardening etc. I have trouble sitting still through a 30 min. TV show! Your gardening book looks like it would be interesting so maybe you can blog about some of the interesting facts you learn. Will you be adding many plants to your yard this spring?
Mildred-I probably will add a few(or should I say as many as I can get my little hands one)? I may try growing more from seed this year.
Also, I hope to plant more veggies cause that is so much fun to just go out to the yard and cut part of your dinner!
Maybe I will blog about some interesting facts that I am uncovering. Thanks for the idea!
Oooh dontcha hate it when our body makes us do stuff we don't want to do.
But if there was ever a "good" season for a gardener to go down now would be it.
Rest and read up missy, 'cause I'm thinking a little garden contest might be in order to liven up this blogosphere. (don't hold me to that though, it could be my SAD beginning to kick in)
Well? Is it over use of the muscles? I was a gymnast for over 12 years, taught P.E. for several, had a daycare..yadda yadda yadda. Don't really excercise persay, although It's hard to keep up with me, don't sit still very long, I can understand your agony of lying around. That looks like a good book though. You know God has a way of getting our attention sometimes. You can always talk to Him you know. Prayers for you Susie.
Hi Susie, Sorry to hear about your calf problem.. I would NEVER have that problem--since I have to MAKE myself exercise. Guess I'm just a lazy gal!!!! We do try to walk every day --and I try to get 10,000 steps on my pedometer every day. BUT--I haven't done well during the holidays. Need to get off of this 'puter and WALK!!!!!
You remind me of my best friend, Judy. She schedules herself to be doing something every minute of the day. Makes me tired just listening to her talk about everything she is doing.. I stay BUSY---but I still find time to relax... Learn that, Miss Susie!!!!! You'll live longer!!!
Oh, I'm so sorry - it is so painful to have to take time off, isn't it? I just hate it - still, ask Melissa - sometimes discretion is the better part of valor! Hang in there and get some gardening catalogs - they're fabulous for whiling away the hours. Feel better!
Oh I hope you heal soon Susie! I am a walker--I walk as much and often as I can. If that was taken away I would be really depressed. Take care!! You need to be rested up and well before spring! :)
Susie, poor thing! just do what the Dr. says and you'll be back to your routine in no time. Yes, those steroids can cause crankiness. :) Been there-done that! You book sounds interesting and I'm sure you'll learn lots of great tips. You could share some with us. Please?
Lanny-It is tough when your body tells you to slow down a bit. Guess I better mind it. This is the best time for rest I reckon. Gardening contest? I'm intrigued.
Darla-You have really had an adventurous life my friend. Gymnast for 12 years and taught p.e. That's great! Thanks for the prayers Darla and the reminder. I should probably be reading my bible more and less of the gardening book. The doc did say over usage of the muscles. He also said probably some arthritis involved. I'm sure it is from standing all day at work and then exercising too much!
Betsy-I have always been an active person so I just hate being down a bit. I know it is for the best though! Good luck walking away from the "puter"! If you figure out how to do that let the rest of us "addicted bloggers" know how okay!?!?!?
Terri-Yes, taking time off isn't much fun, especially eating like I did over the holidays and now not getting to work it off like I want to. Thank you for your "well" wishes.
Meadowview-Between these steroid and not getting to walk you can imagine how I am feeling right now.I'm definitely wearing my "cranky pants" right now!
Beckie-I am definitely doing what the doc wants. I know you have been in the same boat. Hope you are doing well my friend.
Oh Sissy girl.....I hope you get better soon. It won't take too long with you taking the steroids! Maybe you can go out and walk slow (I know that's hard for you) and only walk 10 or 15 minutes a few times a day for the next couple of weeks until you're all better.!!!! LUV YA
Oh, that would kill me if the doctor told me I couldn't exercise for a while. Although, this 3 week "gym vacation" has been pretty good on my stress level. Sometimes, fitting in gym time just gets stressful.
I hope you feel better soon. In the meantime, kicking back, relaxing, and reading sounds like FUN!
(I think your plaid chair/couch may just be the exact same material that I have on my living room chairs.)
Hey cranky Susie,
Sorry to hear you're laid up for a while. You sound a lot like my sister. Always on the go, always have to be moving, doing something. While I on the other hand......
Hope you're back up to speed in no time!!!
Bec-Thank goodness the steroids are almost done. Hooray! At least for the time being my leg is feeling somewhat better.
Jacquie-It's not much fun to be told not to exercise(not that I enjoy it that much) but I just feel guilty when I don't do it. Isn't that terrible? Same material huh? Then you must have great taste!
Flydragon-Yeah, you can definitely call me Cranky Susie! It fits for now. I wish I could learn to relax a bit more but I always have this "need" to be doing something. At least right now I get to have plenty of "blogging" time!
Just stopping by to say that I hope the rest is helping and that you are on the mend. God bless,
Thanks Mildred I appreciate it. The rest is definitely helping. I'm not having hardly any of the aches and pains now and I only have 4 more steroids to take and I'll be done with that. I do have an inflammatory drug that I will still be taking though for a few more days. Thanks for checking on me.
Take it easy Susie and enjoy your down time catching up on your reading. Take care!
Thanks Racquel-I'm trying to take it easy but you know how it is. It's really hard right now with the weather being a little warmer.
Hope you are up and running again soon. I took some steroid meds-once. I hope I NEVER have to again, or I will refuse. I did not know that woman!
Take care and enjoy a little relax time.
Jen-I know what you mean. I kind of lost it a little with my hubbie the other night and wondered where in the world did that come from. I like your new avatar.
I hope you're able to get up and about soon, but remember exercising your mind is also a good and beneficial form of exercise.
You are so right George! Exercising the mind is a great thing. I have to admit it is getting more exercise than usual. Hope you and Betsy have a great day!
Hello Susie, I came here from Robin's sorry you have to take it easy for a while, but then again, maybe it's a gift in disguise;) Taking a break really is important. I know about the exercise and need to be on the move. My exercise was interrupted when I had to have an ACL allograft. My knee is ok now, but it took a good year before I could use it fully. I hope you'll be well soon, and thanks for the book idea. It sounds like something I could use! Jan
Wishing you a very speedy recovery! TRY to have a restful Sunday!
You wouldn't believe the life I have lived Susie. Everyone says I should write a book, one day maybe. I do pray that you are restored to 100%, hugs, Darla.
Hi Susie! I'm sorry to hear you've been having trouble with your calf muscles. I'm glad you have the gardening book to give you something to dream over while you are resting and recuperating. I just got a seed catalog in the mail a couple days ago. Those are always fun for me to look through to see all the pretty plants and flowers. Feel better soon! :)
Hi Jan,
Thanks for the well wishes and visit. ACL allograft? Girl, that sounds tough. Glad you are better. Interruption to exercise is no fun but I reckon sometimes necessary.
Sandy-It's been a good restful Sunday, church was great as usual. After lunch we took a little drive up the trace parkway and enjoyed just the quiteness. Hope you have had a good day.
Darla-The more I learn though the more I admire you my friend. Thanks for the prayers and hugs to you too!
Daisy-Thanks for the well wishes and I hope you enjoy that seed catalog. Try not to drool over it too much!
Pamper relax and heal! You are going about it the right way!
I've been told I need to exercise more, not the other way around:) I admire your motivation, and I do hope you are back on your feet soon so you can get back in the swing of things.
In the meantime it looks like you have a great book to read.
Hi Nature Girl, thanks for the visit to my blog. Thanks for the well wishes. I am feeling much better now.
Rose-I'm doing much better now, I think. When I start my exercise again I will know for sure. Thanks for your sweet words.
I just popped back over to thank you for your visit and congrats on our joyous news. I hope you are feeling better and that you have a great week!
Sandy you are so sweet! I am definitely feeling better. Thanks.
Aunt Susie,
I'm hoping your calf heals up soon! At least it's a good time of year to take it easy. Now if it were sunny and 75, that would be a different story! I hope you had a great birthday. I wish we could have celebrated with you and had some of that yummy cake! Go Uncle Dave!!! Love ya!
Ahhh yes, we can relate. My husband has been doing the same - wrapped on the couch by the woodstove, drinking his coffee with Almond Fudge Mocha creamer and pouring over his landscape, garden and seed books and catalogs. Gotta start planning the garden for this year!
Love the snowman mug! We have some too and they seem to make cocoa taste better than regular mugs. =)
A.Joy-Almond fudge mocha creamer?! That sounds delish!
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