And I just realized how tired I feel. I don't travel a whole lot by myself so I think it really tired me out. As I left my mom's this a.m. it was 18 degrees and it didn't get much warmer than that until I was way down in MS. Currently it is 40 degrees but it's suppose to get to 16 tonight. Brrh!
So, I am excited to be back online again and can't wait to catch up on everyone's blog. Hope everyone is staying warm with this arctic blast visiting.
Awh! Your momma's pretty!
Yep, it's pretty cold here. Currently a balmy 16 degrees!! I'm ready for Spring.
Glad you're home safe and sound. Did Becky take you to Lucky's?
Great to have you home, you have been missed. Great looking birthday girl indeed. Yes it's brrrrr here too. Flirting with the teens the next couple of nights, my flowers are hanging in there, thanks to some sheets, and buckets with newspaper in the bottom of them! How's your yard looking, is it white?
Welcome back. If it makes you feel better it's now 17 degrees here. I, too, am ready for spring.
Welcome back, Susie. I wondered where you were.. I missed you!!!!!
Your Mama is gorgeous. Sounds like she had a great birthday. Where in AR does she live? We love Arkansas and go there often.
Susie, I just figured you were too cold to write! Times like you just had a too few and far between aren't they?
So glad youhad a wonderful time, I'm sure your Mother was thrilled to have you and your sister there.
Stay warm!
Susie, I just figured you were too cold to write! Times like you just had a too few and far between aren't they?
So glad youhad a wonderful time, I'm sure your Mother was thrilled to have you and your sister there.
Stay warm!
Welcome back! Your mom is beautiful---happy birthday to her! I'm glad to hear you had such a fun time. I love the John Denver song "Back Home Again," by the way. :D
Great looking Birthday Girl!
Susie, you have been tagged! Come over and see!
Welcome back Susie, So glad you had a good visit with sis and mom. I was a little worried about your leg! Your mom is just beautiful and I know you three had a great time celebrating. They are predicting 11 degrees for us Fri. a.m. - oh, how I long for Spring. I have a new follower "Foxy" on my sidebar in Sweden who gardens - you might love to visit her. Welcome back - you were missed.
Whoa! Doesn't mom look beautiful in that picture!!!! I'm sitting her watching Elizabethtown, with the devil in my lap, an afhagan over my legs and a cup of hot tea in my hand, trying to stay warm and missing you. Boo Hoo! I'm glad you made it home safely. We will have fun tonight but not as much as we would if you were here. Luv ya, becjane
Happy Birthday to the Awesome Lady. I'll bet you are tired, each time I visit my Mom she runs me into the dirt!
I'm glad you had a wonderful visit with your sis & mom Susie! Happy Belated Birthday to your Mother!
Jacquie-Girl you won't believe it! Lucky's was closed until Wednesday. When we got there on Wednesday he was closed until noon cause he was unloading a truck! Can you believe that? Well he closed at 3:00 or 3:30 and we didn't get back in time cause Bec had an hair appt. in Conway. So I guess next time.
Darla-Thanks for missing me. I sure missed everybody and so glad to be back online. My yard is just brown with lovely dots of leaves everywhere.
Thanks Betsy-I missed everyone too. My mommy does look good. She's a young 77. She lives in Newport. That's about 1 1/2 hours west from Memphis, TN
George-Thanks, I love visiting family but I do enjoy sleeping in my own bed. You and Betsy stay warm tonight.
Beckie-I feel like a postman. Sleet, snow and whatever else they say can't keep me from blogging. Such a wonderful, terrible addiction! hehe!! I don't ever get enough family times so we really did have a great time! It was hard to leave mom this a.m.
Daisy-I'll tell mom what you said, she'll be thankful for your sweet compliments. I'm a big John Denver fan and I thought his song title was perfect for this post.
Dorothy-Mom is a great looking birthday girl, thanks for the sweet compliment. I'll come over to your blog asap to check it out.
Mildred-You are so sweet to be thinking about my leg. It has done very well. I actually walked with mom and Bec while visiting. However I don't think it likes traveling(that is by myself where I can't move it a whole lot).
We really had a wonderful time together. Unfortunately we don't get to do that a whole lot.
I'll have to check out your Sweden gardener.
Bec-Boo Hoo! Seems funny not hearing yours and mommies voices. Thanks for everything! I had lots and lots of fun! Have you listened to your new cd yet?
Melissa-I guess it's worth getting run "into the dirt" when you are with family, right?
Racquel-We had a great visit. I'll give mom your belated birthday wishes. Thanks for that!
I made a mistake (my feeble mind!) the Sweden Garden blog is Tyra and it is at:
Thanks Mildred-correction noted!
What a great time you must have had. Great for your mom too, to enjoy her birthday with her kids.
I'm sure she was thrilled to have you there for her B-day.
Happy Birthday to her!
Yes, I've been looking for you; glad you're home, cause I'm staying in the next few days here.
It is single digits here this week.
She certainly does look good--a happy belated birthday to her! I was kind of wondering where you were, Susie; glad to know you were having a good time with your family. Stay warm--that must be awfully cold for Mississippi!
Welcome back, and yes, I wondered where you were!
Glad you had such a good time and the birthday girl looks wonderful. My mom's birthday is next week!
Stay warm!!
Welcome back, your were missed!
Flydragon-We laughed ourselves silly! It was loads of fun!
Jen-Single digits!?!?!?!? Oooooh weeeee! I would definitely stay in.
Rose-Yes, sixteen degrees is pretty darn cold. Hope you stay warm!
Linda-I hope your mom has a wonderful birthday too!
Thanks Lanny-I missed everyone much!
I live about a whole five minutes, ten tops from where you lunched yesterday!!!! AND I was shopping in that very shopping center for a good part of the afternoon with my daughter. Wouldn't it be funny if we passed but did not recognize each other? I hope you enjoyed your visit. I do wish we could have met! I hope it is warmer where you are, is COLD here tonight! Rest up and have a great weekend!
It sounds like you had a great visit - but it's always good to be home, isn't it? Stay warm!
Oh, and the verification word is "tried" - weird, huh?
Great to have you back again, Susie. I missed you!
Good to know you had such a wonderful time! Lovely photo of your belated birthday wishes for her.
Have a warm weekend!:)
Sandy-We shopped most of the morning and while I was walking the aisles I pondered the thought of running into you. But I haven't seen you so I'm not sure how I would have recognized you.
Terri-We did have a great time but oh did I sleep so good last night.
Thanks Kanak-Family time is always fun time! It's actually suppose to warm back up after tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to get out some.
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