We love college football so of course we had to have team flags.
As you can tell, I like garden fairies. I bought them at different stores over the years.
The frog was a gift from my sister. He use to be dark green but the sun has faded him. But he's still cute!
We just bought the hook the bird feeder hangs from. It was a great buy from Big Lots.
The smiley face above is from Cozumel. We bought it several years ago when we visited there.
I guess that's about it for now. Or at least until I run across another fairy I can't live without. Happy gardening everyone!
Love your garden.
Robin, I'm so glad you keep in touch through my blog.
It sounds like everyone had a great time at the cabin. Wish we could have been there!!
I love all the whimical touches in your garden Susie. The garden fairies are so cute and that little sun medallian is very colorful.
I love them all but my favorite is the little girl, reading a book. When I was small, I would sit outside in my Aunt's garden, under a tree or in a tree, LOL..and read.
Hi Susie, I love all your garden whimical touches but I really love the frog best. My garden is full of frogs, every time I think I have enough I always find just one more. lol
P.G. I'm glad you like my whimsical touches.
Eve-My favorite is the reading fairy as well. She looks so happy!
Doris-Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm not sure if the frog looked better green or blue. But I think he's really cute.
Hi Susie - thanks for stopping by my blog. I added my first statue this year - a St. Francis and I have really enjoyed looking at it. I can see why you enjoy having a little "company" in the garden. It adds a personal touch.
Susuie, your whimsical garden is wonderful. The fairies and cherubs look right at home. I especially like the fairy with the salvia. And I like your 'suns' too.
Thanks for thinking of me for the 'billiant'award. I really appreciate it! I will try to get to it very soon. And-congratulations on your!
Hey Sis, just got in from the lake and pooped out!! Luv all your little guys, but you know I luv froggy the best! Hope you got everything planted over the weekend.
I love the whimsey in your garden! Especially the cute cherubs/fairies that grace the garden floor!
I love all your fairies, but I REALLY love the Hog flag!!! Woooo, pig sooie!
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