Welcome to the world of throw-away-plants. The other day at work, my manager decided it was time to clean house and did he ever. So, I know you're thinking these poor, little, pitiful things might should have went to the garbage. But I can't stand to do that! So, I loaded up a bunch and brought them home.
On a former post or two I talked about my throw-away flower bed. About 90% of the plants in that bed were saved from the garbage. I have to admit it doesn't look too bad. It is a mix of perennials and annuals.
This is a list of what I managed to save:
*Black/blue salvia
*Saphire blue salvia
*2 Oriental lilies
*2 black elephant ears
*Star aster
*yellow Crocosmia
*Oxeye daisy(in pretty bad shape, not sure I can save it)
*8 Rudbeckia maxima(these are neat, they grow 5-7 feet tall)
*2 Perennial Chrysanthemum
*"Sour Grapes" Penstemon
I think that is about it. If I can get at least half of them to live I will feel pretty good about it. I may have to increase the size of my bed though. I may not make much money working at a nursery but it has some nice perks.
Check my blog for a surprise!
P.S. Come HOME sissy!!!
I love that you do that. I think it is awesome!
Susie, years ago, I worked at a greenhouse and did the same thing. It hurt my soul to see plants tossed on the garbage pile. Most of them were annuals, but I gave them a good home for the rest of the season. Good luck with yours-at least you have some perennials in the bunch.
I can't wait to see an updated picture of that bed Susie. It looked pretty good the last time. I don't blame you, if I worked at a nursery I would the same thing.
Hi Susie,
I hope these plants survive and will grace your garden with their beauty! Throw-away plants can often be a real bargain. Good luck!
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