Recently I was over at my mil's home and noticed how pretty her iris's were. Mine haven't even budded yet. So I decided to snap a few pics.

I don't know the names of any of them but they actually came from my yard in Atlanta. She had dug some up on a visit there.

These were given to me by a patient from where I use to work.

I don't think this one was mine but I still think hand me down plants are the best!
Hope everyone has a great day and happening gardening!
These are very pretty. I love pass a longs too.
The irises are such delicate colors. I just love them. I often see abandoned homes with irises that just keep on blooming! Thanks for sharing these pretties!
They are beautiful. You are right, hand me down plants are the best. They make them extra special
Most of mine were given to me.
The color in them is incredible!
Hope y'all had a Blessed Easter!!
They are each very pretty. I love irises!
Those are so pretty, Susie! :-) I really like that soft blue one in the middle. Most of the ones I've seen here are more like the deep purple colored one.
Beautiful iris. I love to see these in bloom each year. All of my iris came from my mother in laws in Nashville. They keep us company in Alabama...ha....
These are gorgeous colors! Irises are a wonderful addition to any garden, especially for me since deer leave them alone!
Thanks for posting these, Susie. They're all so gorgeous!!
I do love irises; mine won't be blooming for a few weeks yet.
I hope the strong storms yesterday missed you, Susie! Such devastation--my heart goes out to everyone affected by these awful storms.
Thinking of you this morning..
praying for all who were affected by the storms of yesterday..
the Iris are beautiful..
I concur..
Pass along plants are the best..
they come with a history..
and are given in love!!
warmest hugs..
Is that the faint smell of grape kool-aid coming from my computer screen? Ahh I can hardly wait for the bloom of the iris to begin, but since it looks like lilacs are going to be two weeks late it might be a while for our June bloomers to show their sweet heads. Have a lovely day.
Hi Susie!
Your blog is looking so bright and cheerful! I love Irisis. Can't wait until ours come up. Things are late around here again and way more rain than normal but the sun is out today so the business can begin!
Susie, hi. Just wanted to stop by and say I've been thinking of you. Beautiful bearded Iris and ours have not yet begun to bloom.
Hope you are enjoying a wonderful Mother's Day weekend.
How nice that she has a part of your old garden in her yard. :)
Hand-me-down plants make the nicest memory gardens, don't you think? I love irises also and I didn't know they did so well down south. I have a purple one like that too in my garden as well as other colors!
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