My friend
Darla at More Family and Flowers has issued a grateful challenge. So I thought I would take her up on her challenge.
I have to say I am most grateful for every day that God gives me on this earth.

Everyday is a gift. Every morning when I open my eyes I'm thankful for another day, another opportunity. We never know what the day is going to hold.

We never know who we might meet.............

What we might see..............

Or possibly even what we might can do........
But everyday that I'm on this earth I'm truly grateful for any opportunity that comes my way. Our lives are short. We really need to enjoy "the gift".
So I'm passing on the challenge. What are you most grateful for?
Those are indeed things to be grateful for.
I posted this at Tootsie Time. I'm grateful for my finding my dear husband. We share so many of the same likes.
I find it sad when couples don't have anything in common.
Happy New Year!
Great post, Susie. The hard part will be selecting just one thing each day. I understood that she meant to end each regualr post with something we are thankful for. Am I correct?
Each new day is a gift to us, Susie. You are right. It is like a fresh start and another chance to get things right every morning when we wake up. I like this post. I am grateful for so many things, I'd have a hard time choosing only one. I do try to keep gratitude in my mind every day, though. :)
what a great challenge, it is a great challenge to do it all at one time or one with every post.
We all have so much to be thankful for.
Wonderful post Susie! I am grateful for so many things. Guess family is first, but I thank God everytime I look up at the stars or see a flower in bloom for the beauty found in nature. It is truly amazing!
I'm grateful to have started on Blogger in Jan. 09---and to have met wonderful people like you and Darla... That's what I am grateful for...
You have a wonderful attitude, Susie! To see each day as a gift makes life more enjoyable and meaningful. I am most grateful for my family and friends, and after visiting several bloggers who are ill, I'm very grateful for good health.
What an awesome post! I'll have to give this some thought. ;D
You are so right, every day is such a gift. I have a hard time always enjoying the moment and instead worrying about things off in the future. A good reminder to appreciate each day as it is here.
I'm going to take the challenge in my post tomorrow.
We have so much to be thankful for! I'm so blessed to have been given my family and my church family as well as great friends! And good health. And the list could go on and on.
Hi Susie, What a great post and a great challenge by Darla. I am grateful for each and every day, for the gift of sight to enjoy God's beauty all around and for my husband.
I feel the same way but do not often take the time to stop and think about it. It's a good idea to slow down, look around and just think about all the blessings we have.
Great post Susie.
There's So much that we take for granted.
Have a blessed day.
Susie, I love your images and words! I couldn't agree more. I'm thankful for each day too...there's always something to look forward to!
Have a great day!
Wonderful post-wonderful pics.
I'm most grateful for my family : )
I am grateful that I am able to have some great company all the time!
At this exact moment I am grateful for narcotics, I just had gum surgery. I better not type too much. I am loopy. :)
Seriously, I am grateful for our Saviour, Family, and Friends.
Great posting!
What a wonderful gratitude post. You've given us some great truths. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Hey Susie, life throws a couple of challenges at us sometimes, and that is pretty normal and probably within reason. If you were not able to grow grow veges last June, I bet you will grow double this coming one, to cover up for two seasons at once. Do you like miniature flowers? Check my blog in a few minutes, I have taken some beautiful mini flower photos this Thursday afternoon (Thursday early morning time in the USA) and I am crazy to show them all off! And tell me, how was the weather today? I hope not too cold!!!!! Here in NZ will snow in the south Island but today was around 24 degrees. Did I tell you we have the 4 seasons everyday? So crazy!!!!Cheers my, new friend!
Hello, Susie! I'm sorry, I had to postpone the post because of a little accident here, and as it was late at night, I decided to post it today. Available now!
I will wish you luck with the cold weather then! Here is summer, hot as anything!(just for you to envy me!!!(lol)
Boy Susie, there are so many things I am grateful for...all the "big" things, family, salvation, the gift from God through His Son, abundant food, a home of our own, so many more! I was thinking yesterday though how thankful I am for bird song. The birds were twittering and warbling away in this January weather and I realized hearing them made me happy, and thankful to be alive.
Thank-YOU for giving me an opportunity to express this!
A really nice post to read Susie and fantastic photos to go along with! I wake up every morning and say 'wow, another day is here that I've been allowed to live through!' Each night I pray with our kids and thank the Lord for allowing us another wonderful day and all he's given us. You're right, our time is short, may we spend it trying to make God happy before making ourselves happy!
Most grateful for a lot of things Ms. Susie. The five senses especially. And the sixth one, that's given me the ability to detect special folks like you!
Very grateful for the wonderful and supportive friends I have on blogger! Thank you for being one of them :)
Susie, Just checking on you... It's Jan. 18--and it's been awhile since I have heard from you. Hope you are doing okay...
Thinking of you.
P.S. I would have sent you an email --but don't have your email address.
Amen to all those "grateful for-s". I'm diggin' your wintery blog look. Looks like you're taking a bit of a break too. Hopin' all is well in your neck of the woods.
Hi Susie. I was just thinking about you so I thought I'd drop by and say hello. I hope you are doing well.
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