Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Just Stuff
Yippee! We finally got a new work kitty! His name is Mr. Man, and no that wasn't my idea.
My ideal name for him would be Mr. Evil because about an hour after he came to us he decided to devour one of the caged birds the owners have. He jumped right up on top the cage and somehow got to one of them.
Look at this precious face. Does it say killer to you? Actually he's a very, very sweet kitty. Loves people and hanging around them. He'll probably be bringing us little "presents" before too long.
At work we have a lot of these whiskey barrels that we pot up. This is one I did using ornamental mustard as the center piece. There is also dianthus, pansies and dusty miller. I'm not a big fan of dusty miller for the summer but love it for the winter.
This small lake is on my way to work. Notice the trees haven't turned just yet. I love driving by here. Sometimes ducks and geese are out there floating around.
Here's one little bright spot among the green.
This chrysanthemum is blooming in my backyard. Sorry I don't know the variety.
Remember these blooms from a former post? I wasn't sure if it was a coreopsis or rudbeckia. It's coreopsis 'leavenworthii'. While researching it I found out it is Florida's state wildflower.
And on a final note, it's raining again! It started just a little while ago. The drops were so big I just had to see if I could get a picture.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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The kittens certainly looks innocent, but Mr. Evil sounds like an appropriate name. We're supposed to get some rain this evening and tomorrow. I just hope it's not as heavy as the rain you had in that last picture!
We are not fans of cats around here, they run wild and eat the baby rabbits and birds, beside the neighbors barn cat cause our German Shepard, who hated cats to get hit by a car...bad, evil cat, he lured him to the road.. He knew what he was doing...lol...
We are getting more liquid sunshine as I type.
Cats and birds do not mix. :(
But if you have a mouse problem it's a good thing.
Mr. Man is certainly pretty and it appears he reads the newspaper and a magazine!!!
We have rain all day and it is so foggy & dreary. The leaves are all over everything. Good night to stay in and drink hot cocoa.
I hope you have a good weekend.
p.s. my word verif. is thicat ha!
Oh Mr. Man looks like the 'cat who ate the canary', alright! Like the planting in the whiskey barrel! I think I read somewhere that some variery of the Coreopsis is the state flower for MS. I'll google and see. Google knows most everything!! Happy weekend!
Yep, I was right! Coreopsis is our state (MS) flower. It grows along the roadsides around here.
Cute kitty!
Love the pictures--what a beautiful drive you have going to work! It finally stopped raining here, but water is standing everywhere! I am grateful for the rain...but hope we get a week off! :)
Have a wonderful weekend Susie!
Oh Susie, How could such a precious kitty like that EAT an even more precious birdie?????? Oh how sad... Maybe Mr. Evil is a good name...?????
Hope you don't get the rough weather tonight. We are supposed to get rain and high winds. But the radar shows the worst weather is south of us. Good Luck.
Happy Halloween.
How is it that cats always look so innocent? I like your whiskey barrel planting, the colors look very pretty together.
We've had lots of rain and wind here, hoping it stops at least for Halloween.
Love cats! They are so intriguing to just 'watch' & very entertaining.
The whiskey barrel is lovely the way it is planted.
Oy! Don't want anymore rain for a few days ... we had 2" in 1 1/2 days. Get rain pics shot tho.
Have a BOO-tea-FULL Halloween.
TTFN ~Marydon
Mr. Man looks as if he wouldn't hurt a fly!! The views on your way to work are lovely! barrels look so good as planters and you've put in a lot of colour...eyecatching!And I also like the blooms in your backyard. I hope rain does not spoil your weekend!
Ummm..Mr. Cat...you had your treat but the new rules....
(((NO birds tweets)))))
purr-zzzz =^.^= from NG
Your Mr. Man looks remarkably like my Miss Marple. She is a sweet and friendly cat , but a real killing machine when it comes to birds and vermin, which is why I needed her in the first place. I do have 2 caged birds indoors, and a LOT of doves outside in special dove cotes...she helps me determine if my pens and cages truly are 'predator proof'!So really, your Mr. Man IS working and helping you out. You did not specify he was to help out the birds too!Goodness, any cat knows he / she is entitled to a snack now and then....after all, life is all about them.
You never know what cats will do that's for sure, he sure is a handsome looking one! Coreopsis 'leavenworthii' just put it on my plant list that sits in front to the computer, thanks! We are supposed to get rain today and boy do we need it!!
Mr. Man looks very sweet---not like a cold blooded killer at all! Looks can be deceiving, apparently. He's just being a cat, I guess.
Your flowers are all so pretty. The flowers have been done here for a while now. Have a good weekend, Susie! :D
Mr. Man is adorable, even though he is a little evil.
I think we're finally over the rain for a while, at least. The sun is shining brightly this Saturday morning!!
Have a great weekend, Susie.
Rainy and dreary here, too. :( Love your photos!
Mr. Evil is just doing what comes naturally, unfortunately. This reminds me of several tragedies at our house when my daughter was young and had hamsters for pets...I'll spare you the gory details:)
I really like the ornamental mustard in the whisky barrel; I don't think I've seen that in nurseries around here. The sun is finally shining here today--hallelujah! Hope it's headed your way, Susie.
They did a show on Animal Planet and the common housecat was named the most ruthless animal in the world. But with cute little faces like that it's hard to imagine huh? ;)
Mr. Man looks incredibly tender. I would take my chances with him, he looks ok.
Like your blossoms. Pretty! Here's wishing you a sunny day soon!
What a cute kitty! Mine don't go outside, so they don't have any opportunities to kill.
What is that bug/thing on the purple plant on your sidebar??? Amazing picture!
Cats are such cats! But we love them anyway~~I bet he steals your heart before too long.
I think I have that same unnamed chrysanthemum...It is a very enthusiastic grower. I did buy another one, Ryan's Yellow...but it is a richer yellow.
Beautiful kitty. At least you know he will keep the mice and rats under control. Love the ornamental mustard. Peppers, chard, kale, mustard--lots of ornamental veggies being developed.
Mr. Man is cute. Sorry about the bird.
Love the whiskey barrel you planted.
Don't forget to enter our giveaways. TY for popping by.
TTFN ~Marydon
Any cat should be called Mr Evil...just kidding, don't want to get everybody started on that one.
You said raining again. If our forecast ends out to be correct...we are going to have 7 days of sunshine. First time since spring it actually happens.
It looks to me like Mr. Man needs a strong reprimand for his on the job snacking habits! He is awfully cute though. Has it been raining there as much as here? We finally saw the sun this week after weeks on end of rain. Hope you are having a great week!
poor Tweety, Cat's WILL be Cats!!!
Pretty kitty for sure and love the flower arrangement!!!
the best is yet to come!!!
your little kitty can't really be a killer can he? he is just doing what comes instinctively...poor little birdie.
i love your new layout. really cool.
I like the blue and white kitty! I think it's neat when businesses have cats. The garden center in our small town has always had a cat named cleo and they give out 'cleo cash' whenever you purchase something there , which look like dollar bills with the cat's head on the front and give you $ off of your next purchase.
Hi Susie,
What a beautiful header photo! And as for Mr. Evil, look at that face... what's not to love. ;)
nice cat! Sorry birdy.
I need to be getting my winter pots ready.
that naught Mr. Man. Maybe he will find better things to do with his time. My kitties are naughty like that sometimes too. thank you so much for sharing your day with us. Thank you also for all your comments over at my place. It is always such a joy to hear from you. Sorry I have been so busy I haven't been visiting like I should but hopefully now that the garden season is slowing down a bit I can get back to seeing what all my blogger friends are up to and catch up. Blessings to you.
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