I didn't really know the history behind Julia Child and I had never heard of the book before. Of course there's lots of cooking that goes on and blogging too. But I think the best part was the relationship Julia and her husband had as well as Julie and her husband.
I highly recommend it. Yes, it probably is more of a chick flick but still a great movie.
I'll put that on my "to see" list - thanks :) A day off on a Friday woohoo!
Yes Susie, thanks for the review. I'll add it to my list too. Have a safe weekend.
Melissa and I saw that movie and loved it! It made us want to buy the Julia Childs cookbook and start cooking from it! I really, really enjoyed the movie - much more than I expected to.
Hi Susie, I have read several blogger reviews and everyone likes it and recommends it. BUT--since it appears to be a 'chick flick' ---I may not get my hubby there.
have a great Saturday.
I'd love to go see it!! I love Meryl Streep!
I'm so glad that precious kitten is going to make it!!
Have a great weekend Susie!
Sounds like a good one, and I am all for chick flicks! Thanks for the review, Susie. Have a good weekend! :D
I've seen the previews and it looked interesting. Thanks for sharing your review. :)
Hi Susie,
I like chick flicks! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
I read the book that the movie is based on. Loved it, and can't wait to go see the movie.
My hubby LOVED this movie...hey...it has food in it, so why not? We both loved this movie and will buy it when it comes out on video.
I'm glad to hear this because I really want to see this movie. My husband is the chef in our family and has one of Julia's cookbooks.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Geez Susie, wish I could sit through and entire movie...I miss some good ones!
Susie glad that you liked the movie because I want to go see it. I love Meryl regardless the movie she makes.
Stop by next week as I will show more of my summer garden! hugs NG
I want to see that one.
bon appétit!
Jodi wants to see that movie. Glad you gave it a thumbs up.
Even though I thought it might be a 'chick flick', the previews looked cute and entertaining. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Hope to see this one...thanks for the review! I won't tell hubby about it being a chick flick, so he will still go with me. :-)
My husband really wants to see this movie. My parents went to see it and raved about it. So far I've heard all great things about it! I might have to wait til it hits DVD though. I'm waiting for the animated children's movie " Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs" to come out - then the kids and I will hit the theater.
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