I promise this is the last post I'm doing from our trip to the Smokies. One of my blogging friends,
Betsy had asked if we had seen any waterfalls while there. So, here's what we saw.

One of our hikes led us to Grotto Falls. The trail actually walks right behind it so you could feel the cool splashing from it.

This is the trail right behind it.

It was a beautiful area that we enjoyed much!

Then on another hike to Rainbow falls we first came across this little splash of water.

Then a ways on down, or should I say up, the trail we came to Rainbow Falls. There was lots of people here so I only got this one good picture.

As usual on our hikes I was always keeping my eye out for anything of interest such as this Flame azalea. In a vastness of green this color was easy to spot.

I don't think I have ever seen a red topped mushroom before.

I wonder how long this tree had been laying here? Not sure what kind of fungus this was but if you enlarge the pic you can see some type of bugs enjoying it.

Normally we never see any wildlife on our hikes. But then we came across this guy laying across the trail. He didn't seem in any hurry to move. Even with rocks and sticks being thrown at him from two ridiculously scared adults(gee, I wonder who), he seemed perfectly happy to stand his ground. I thought we were going to have to walk over him but luckily he decided to mosey on.

This is more like my kind of wildlife. She was only about 20 feet from us and didn't even seem to mind us watching her.

She kept on going down the trail right over from us. Unfortunately, we didn't see anymore of them.
The whole time we were there we enjoyed wonderful weather but on the way out it had turned.

The rain and fog had rolled in but I still found it beautiful.

Luckily I was able to snap a picture of these wild turkeys on the side of the road. They weren't bothered by the rain.

We decided to take a different route back home and discovered this area by the Ocoee river. When the 1996 olympics were held in Atlanta this is where the kayaking events took place. We had never been by here before.
I think we discovered a new place to explore!
Hope you enjoyed the trip. Have a great weekend everyone!
Oh Susie!!! I love all the pictures! What a GREAT time! The snake freaks me out a bit! Turkeys actual like the rain. They don't like to be in the woods when it is raining, because they can't hear predators approaching, so they prefer to be in open spaces they can see, while it is raining (take this from an expert turkey hunter ;-)). I would love to go up there this fall. My family is talking about going! Have a great weekend
Hi Susie,
Thanks for stopping by. Great photos of your hiking and clearing a wonderful place to explore. Veggies? we just got our first SunGold tomato here in the PNW, but anxiously awaiting more.
Love the waterfall pics Susie. Also, those red topped mushroom against the green of the woods is a great photo. That was interesting to learn about the kayaking place from the Olympics too. Happy exploring this weekend.
Can't remember where I heard that mushrooms with red are almost always very poisonous. Not that you would be grabbing up unknown fungus and eating it...
I enjoyed your vacation photos. Wish I could spend some time there too.
That red mushroom looked deadly. But gorgeous! You saw some many cool things on your hike, it is good you were able to get a lot of great photos. THanks for sharing.
I really enjoy seeing these pictures from somewhere I've never been. How neat that the trail goes behind the waterfall, I bet it would feel good after hiking for awhile. The mushroom looks like one you'd see in a storybook, so pretty like fairies live under it :)
Great photos! We have a local pair of turkeys that flirt with my hens - they look exactly like the two you have pictured here!
I loved the trip. The waterfalls, the mushrooms and all the "critters" - how cool!
I love waterfalls! And how fun it would be to walk behind one on that trail. Enjoyed all the scenery and the wildlife...except for the snake:) I would have turned and gone another way!
This is a wonderful post, Susie! Love the waterfalls and the red mushrooms!
Hey Sissy;
I've enjoyed your tour. The wild life was amazing and the waterfalls look sooooo peaceful. I guess Alvin and I are going to have to go sometime!! I love you sister.
Wonderful tour and fantastic pictures :)
Thanks for your visit :)
Have a nice weekend !!
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)
What a great trip. Uh, I could have done without the snake photo,LOL. I could just imagine hearing the water fall and feeling the coolness of it's mist. Sounds as if ya'll had a wonderful time.
Those wild mushrooms look so perfect that seem fake! LOVE IT! Wonderful waterfall photos as well. You always have the perfect blog entry. Your photos cooled me off on this hot summer day in Ohio. Can't wait to stop back soon (((HUGS)))
Wow! I'm so glad to see more pics from your trip. Those mushrooms are really pretty and to see azaleas in the wild...! That's something as it's rather difficult to grow them here because of the heat.
Loved the waterfalls and all the wildlife. What a great trip and thanks for taking us along.
Oh goodness. I would not have wanted to see a snake on the path in front of me. I enjoyed the pictures of the deer and turkeys though. The waterfall are beautiful. Looks like you had a great place to vacation.
WOW, even more great pictures! That red-topped toadstool reminds me of something out of a cartoon!
The waterfalls look lovely.The musrooms look cool.You really had a great trip.Thanks for sharing.
Gorgeous waterfall! I bet it would of been a cool place to stand on a hot day. :) Thanks for sharing more photos from your trip. I've enjoyed it.
Hi There, We're home after a wonderful weekend in the gorgeous North Carolina mountains. I'll post in the morning.
We love Grotto Falls... I could have told you about the crowds at Rainbow. The next time you come to the Smokies, ask us for some 'non-touristy' places to go...
That area on the Ocoee River is VERY popular --for tubing and kayacking in the summer (ever since the Olympics). Try it sometime!!!!
Hope you had a great weekend.
I also enjoyed Grotto Falls more than Rainbow Falls because we had Grotto to ourselves most of the time. I'm glad you saw the snake and not us! I hope that won't keep you from coming back.
Enjoyed this post of the Smokies, as I have the others. I am not much into hiking anymore, due to old knees, so I enjoy seeing the Falls I visited 30 years ago.
That red mushroom picture is awesome!
Thanks for the trip, when and where are you/we going next? you are such a good guide. :)
Hey Jen, no plans for now. Wish I was going back to the Smokies.
Love the red topped mushrooms!
What a great hike.
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