In this picture you can see some English ivy on the left. Hopefully it will fill in that area a little more. I think where that stand of trees/shrubs is I will put some containers with color too. And then toward the other end of the path is another project I will show you in my next post. Until then here's hoping you have some warm weather to get out and garden in.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
A Winter Project
As everyone probably knows winter is not my favorite season. I prefer the warm days of spring and summer. But fortunately living in the south does provide many days in winter when I can get out and accomplish some things in the garden. I thought I would show what I just finished today. Nothing fancy but come spring it should look really nice.
Introducing a new path at the back of my lot. On the left of the path is my evergreen grouping. On the right is my Keepsake Garden. It is filled with perennials and when warmer weather permits I will add some annuals for seasonal color.
As I look at these pictures all I can think is how brown and drab it looks. Sorry.
In this picture you can see some English ivy on the left. Hopefully it will fill in that area a little more. I think where that stand of trees/shrubs is I will put some containers with color too. And then toward the other end of the path is another project I will show you in my next post. Until then here's hoping you have some warm weather to get out and garden in.
In this picture you can see some English ivy on the left. Hopefully it will fill in that area a little more. I think where that stand of trees/shrubs is I will put some containers with color too. And then toward the other end of the path is another project I will show you in my next post. Until then here's hoping you have some warm weather to get out and garden in.
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Susie, I'm glad you are able to get out and enjoy working in your yard. I can definitely imagine the possibilities of how beautiful it will be soon. Great job with the path. I will look forward to future photos when things start turning green and blooming. It won't be long. :)
The mere fact that you can get out and work in your back yard is encouraging. Soon those colors will come. I'm looking forward to the update on your project.
Woohoo! You've been out "Digging in the Dirt." I can't wait to see pictures of your wonderful backyard during the Spring.
I see some irises in there!! That is going to be beautiful Susie. I love it. Have you thought of or do you have a trellis to go on the fence for a flowering vine? I am so into vines this year. Yes mam, it's 74 here and I am loving it as you are!!!
How did you create your path? I ask because that may be something that I would like to try. I can't wait for Spring to reach Northern Ohio so I can get started working outside again.
It is going to be beautiful! Doesn't it feel great to get out and get your hands dirty and breathe the fresh air? Have fun!
Thanks Daisy-it is really nice out today. I'll definitely show pictures when things turn green and pretty!
George-I had rather be outside working in the dirt than in the house cleaning up the dirt. haha!
Thanks Deedee-You may get tired of seeing my springy pictures.
Darla-You must be getting some of the same wonderful weather I'm having. Those are bearded iris' and I also have some variegated ones that are showing a little green. I do have a trellis against the side fence. Last year I had a coral vine on it that pooted out. We'll have to see this year.
Elise-First thing I did was have war on wild honeysuckle that was growing back there. That was last year. A month or so ago I started raking the area I wanted to make into the pathway. After that I pulled out what weeds were there. Then I took that black fabric like stuff(sorry I don't remember what it is called. It's made to keep out weeds)and rolled it out. Next I took shredded cypress mulch and just laid it onto my cloth. You can use whatever type mulch you want. That's pretty much it.
Mildred-It certainly did feel great to get my hands dirty in that wonderful soil. We won't discuss the hissie fit I had with the hose. You just better believe I told it a thing or two! haha! I hope my neighbors didn't see me!
You have a lot of work ahead of you; great that you got a good start on it. I am soooo looking forward to getting outdoors and into the sunshine.
Hi Susie, I know it felt wonderful getting outside and breathing some fresh air and of course, digging in the dirt. Can't wait to see what your path looks like in the summer.
Hey Sis, I love your new path! Can't wait to see what it looks like this summer.
It looks great. I love paths in a garden, I can picture how beautiful it will look with all of your perennials. It's nice to get out there and get the gardens ready for spring. We ended up with snow today after such spring like weather for a week.
Have fun :)
Jen-Lots of hard work but so satisfying in the end! I hope you get warm weather soon!
Betsy-I love the fresh air and hearing those precious birdies sing. They sang to me the whole time I was out there!
Thanks sissy!
Catherine-I'm sorry you have snow after the warm weather teaser. That's no fun.
Hi Susie,
The path looks very inviting and I can well imagine your plans. We did a little digging in the dirt ourselves over the weekend. 30, yes 30 holes to plant shrubs along our fence out by the road. Only 29 got planted as one bush was MIA, it got stolen out of truck bed while we were paying for fertilizer! Didn't discover it until the next morning when we went out to plant. We chose to plant Recurve Privet because it is an evergreen, good for our soil, has a fragrant spring bloom, as well as being deer resistant. Good thing as Queen Winter forgot her herd of royal stags and they are becoming quite the nuisance! Here's to hoping that they will live!
How wonderful to be able to work in the garden right now! Although it has been warmer here the last couple days, rain has turned the ground into mush:) You certainly accomplished a lot today, Susie. Although it may look drab and brown to you now, it won't be long before it's surrounded by green.
Keep us posted on the progress. Looks like you got the not so fun work out the way and ready to make it pretty with plants.
I love paths that wind through a garden. You are going to enjoy strolling through each morning and seeing your beautiful flowers! It won't be too much longer till spring. Next year, add bulbs along the path and you can enjoy it in March! :)
Hi Susie, I'm putting in some paths this year too. I'm having a hard time laying out the beds and pathways. I look forward to seeing what you do, hoping I'll get some inspiration;) Since you are farther south, you will get started much earlier than me.
Sandy-I can't believe you planted all those shrubs! Backache here I come. That's a lot of work. I can't believe someone decided they needed one of them either. People amaze me.
Rose-No fun to work in the mush! I'm sure wonderful gardening days are just ahead for you!
A girl and her garden-Yes most of that hard work is done. Yippee! It's more fun to enjoy now!
Linda-Thanks for the idea of planting bulbs. I do have some iris' out there already that I'm sure will continue to multiply. Some daffodils would be nice!
TC-Truthfully, I haven't thought of how stark that fence looks. You're right, it could definitely use some softening up. Thanks for the ideas.
Marnie-I'm sure as you go along everything will come together. This pathway was pretty easy since it is such a straight shot. I would rather have one that curves in and out of trees but this house didn't come with many trees.
Hey Susie,
Looking great so far. I wish I had more room here. I'd have paths, and benches and all kinds of little surprises to wander into/around. Looking forward to seeing this in a few months!!
Ooo, i love your path! Makes me think about endless possibilities and colour. Come spring and summer, and with colour on both sides, it'll look really good and oh, so inviting!!
Thanks flydragon-I'm glad you like my path. I'm hopeful it will look just a tad bit more colorful in the next month or two.
Thanks Kanak-I am hoping it will be more colorful. Right now there is signs of life under the leaves and mulch. We are fixing to have colder weather again so that will probably stunt it a bit.
That path will give you a nice place to start planting along. It's going to be fabulous this summer, just you wait & see! ;)
Thanks Racquel I'm looking forward to seeing how it looks this spring and summer.
Brown, grey drab. The colors of promise and latent delight.
Lanny-So true, so true! Today we have gray skies to thrown in on top of the brown and drab. Oh well, it is still winter.
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