Sunday, September 7, 2008

Yard Work from Yesterday

Recently I blogged about my poor little plants that were drowning in my bird bath bed. These are some of the throw-away plants from work that I had rescued. Well I felt pretty guilty about letting them sit there and drown so yesterday I dug them up and moved them to a new bed. Okay, they don't look spectacular right now but hopefully with a little sunshine they'll survive. This area is on a small slope at the back of my yard so maybe the water will drain away.

Do you see my new pink knock-out rose on the right? Believe it or not that was a throw-away from work. When I took it out of the pot it didn't have much of a root ball. Hopefully with the rain and sunshine it will do well.

As you can see in these pics I'm going to have to do lots of weeding. Lots of weeds and grass to pull. Lots of tidying up to do. This bed is on the exact opposite end of my Keepsake Garden

Oh well, now my biggest problem is this. What am I going to name this flower bed?


Anonymous said...

I hope the plants enjoy their new home. Sometimes you have to make adjustments a couple of times. I have no suggestions for a name at this time. I'll have to get back to you. ;)

Susie said...

Pgl-Good, I need suggestions!!!

Meadowview Thymes said...

I wish you luck with this special bed. I hope everything does really well! Hey, how about "hopeful" :)

Susie said...

Meadowview-I'll take hopeful!!

beckie said...

Susie, you are so ambitious! The new bed looks great and I am sure yoyr plants will reward you for the TLC. Now what are you putting in the wet bed??

flydragon said...

Your knock out rose might have had a small root ball, but it sure looks healthy and happy. Is that coconut fiber that you're using for mulch?

DP Nguyen said...

Hmm... I don't know but good luck with this new bed.

Susie said...

Beckie-I don't know if ambitious is the right word, maybe crazy for planting so much! You know, I'm not sure what I will plant in the wet bed. I'm going to give this some thought. It will be directly in the sun, so I'll need to do a little research.

Yes, TC, I name my flower beds. Believe it or not our cars have names too!

Actually, it's just easier to keep up with when writing about them.

I have grown obedient plant before and you are right. It takes over big time! It is pretty though! Thanks for the suggestion.

Flydragon-The knock-out does look pretty good. I came home from work today and worked out in that bed some more. Okay, actually I added some more plants but that's for another day.

Thanks Dp-I'll just have to think about it.

Susie said...

flydragon-I left this out of the first message. That is pine straw that I use for mulch.

Eve said...

I think you should name it "weedfree"...LOL...who knows, it might encourage it in the right derection.

I am sure a little sun and a lot of love will bring it back for you. It is amazing how a near dead plant can come back.

Susie said...

Eve-It's definitely going to need some encouraging or maybe I will need some to get out there and weed.

There's lots of work to be done in this bed.

marmee said...

wow i guess i am alittle on the slow side i didn't realize you name all your beds. but you know how i feel about names. it has to be a good one.

Susie said...

Hey Marmee, I don't have but 4 beds including the new one. So at the moment it isn't too hard to keep up with.